Some people sometimes wondered which animal is the laziest. If that's what you want to know, check out Bradypodidae. Translated from Greek into Russian, this word means "slow-legged", and in another way he is called a sloth.

For most of its life, a sloth is in hibernation. Moreover, this animal sleeps, hooked with all its paws on a tree branch, belly up.
His way of life is constant hanging on the branches.
Who is the sloth like

This animal is most similar in appearance to a primate, because it has a shaggy head, long hair and tenacious paws. In fact, the sloth belongs to the non-edentulous mammals of the order of sloths. This animal does not follow its hygiene. In this regard, a butterfly, which is called a moth, lays eggs in its wool and hatches offspring.
In other animals, hair grows from back to belly. He's the other way around. It is because of this that the sloth remains dry during tropical showers, because rainwater easily slides off its shaggy body.
This mammal has a very long neck. It is with her help that he obtains food for himself and at the same time does not make unnecessary movements. In order not to descend to the ground when emptying the bladder and gastrointestinal tract, he is able to eat nothing for several days.
Various algae live in the skin of a sloth. It is they who give his coat a green look.
Note that this animal is the slowest of all the others. That is why its own fauna and flora was formed on its skin.
The green color of the coat helps him to hide in the branches of trees from vigilant toothy predators. During sleep, this mammal can unexpectedly fall to the ground, like a ripe fruit. However, he does not receive injuries, because his vital organs are not located near the abdominal cavity, but almost in contact with the back. If this animal falls to the ground, it begins to move with its claws, grabbing onto something. The sloth on its own moves very slowly.
He has enough enemies - these are snakes, jaguars and many other predators. If he did not know how to hide, he would have been eaten by these animals long ago.
Where does this animal live?

You can find sloths in northwestern Brazil and Peru. These mammals also live in Nicaragua, Honduras, Uruguay, Argentina and many other exotic countries.
It is common to meet sloths in the Amazonian forests. Therefore, tourists in these countries do not travel alone at night, but invite guides with them. They help to avoid an unexpected encounter with a sloth, because they know where they most often live.
Now these lazy mammals are listed in the Red Book.