How To Raise Horses

How To Raise Horses
How To Raise Horses

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It takes a lot of effort to raise a good horse. Patience in raising, attentive attitude and care, knowledge of the basic laws of development and growth of the animal - all this is necessary for the foal to become strong, healthy and intelligent.

How to raise horses
How to raise horses


Step 1

Prepare a clean, dry area where you will keep the young horse. Stock up on bedding in advance, put it on the floor of the stable where the mare is, so that the newly born foal does not lie down on the cold and damp ground and catch a cold. Protect it from drafts as well.

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Step 2

Immediately treat the newborn baby carefully and affectionately so that the foal grows up obedient and trusting. If you treat a young horse rudely, shout at it and beat it, then it will become fearful, can hit a person or run away from him.

how to raise a horse
how to raise a horse

Step 3

The foal feeds on mother's milk for the first time after birth. When he is 15 days old, start giving him barley or oats. Make a small feeder, first put 100-200 g of feed per day into it, then gradually increase its weight to 2 kg. Tie down the mare while feeding the foal, otherwise she will eat everything that is intended only for him. Or place the feeder out of her reach.

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Step 4

Usually, a foal at the age of 6-7 months is already weaned from the mare. Make sure that by then the young horse has enough vitamins and minerals for normal growth and development. Along with concentrates and food additives, the foal should be given early harvest hay, which is especially valuable for him. In addition, salt and chalk should always be in his feeder.


Step 5

The horse should develop the habit of obeying you and reinforcing useful reflexes from the first days after its birth. Put a halter on your foal periodically and gradually teach him to raise his legs, brush the coat, walk, and then trot. This work must be carried out persistently and purposefully, because thanks to it you will greatly facilitate the ride in the future.

keep a horse
keep a horse

Step 6

The initial month-long training of the foal in the movements of the sled, in the bit and under the saddle - this is the ride. Do it when he is about a year and a half. During the race, you will need to accustom a young horse to a bridle, yoke, harness, reins.
