How To Choose A Sedative For Your Cat

How To Choose A Sedative For Your Cat
How To Choose A Sedative For Your Cat

Despite the generally accepted view of cats as fairly calm creatures, showing aggression and nervousness only during the mating season, sometimes cats experience emotional outbursts due to long distance transportation, separation from kittens and hormonal changes. At such times, the animals can be helped by sedatives.

Calm cat
Calm cat

When choosing a sedative for your cat, it is best to rely on the advice of a treating veterinarian who knows the character, weight, age, and physiological characteristics of the animal. In some cases, it is worth taking tests before using a sedative, since nervousness can be a sign of an incipient dangerous disease (diabetes, cancer).

External drugs

If feline anxiety and aggression are not symptomatic, but can be caused by external factors, it is best to use homeopathic remedies. When transporting, at exhibitions, with aggressive behavior towards a new person, you can sprinkle dried catnip (sold in veterinary clinics and pet stores) on a cat's bed and toys.

Mint will remove external aggression and increase the degree of trust in a person (the smell of mint makes cats playful, affectionate, contact). Catnip is an ideal remedy for moving: you can sprinkle it in a new home so that the cat smells a familiar and pleasant smell to it, or you can buy a spray that should be sprayed on the toy and scratching post familiar to the animal.

Homeopathic remedies

In cases where external sedatives do not help, you can start using internal ones. Of the most sparing homeopathic medicines for animals, one can note "Cat Bayun" with herbs. Veterinarians prescribe it for hyperactive behavior of pets, as well as in cases of aggressiveness towards people and hypersexuality during the mating season.

The composition of the medicine is absolutely natural, there are many active ingredients, most famous for their soothing properties motherwort, sweet clover, St. John's wort and mint. "Cat Bayun" is taken orally 2 ml 4-5 times a day. This sedative is indicated only for animals from 10 months old, if a sedative is necessary for a kitten, it is worth consulting a veterinarian. The phytomedicines Stop-stress (in tablets and drops) and FITEX (in drops) have a similar effect.

Sleeping pills

If herbal preparations do not cope with the neurosis in the animal, you can try to give sleeping pills. Sleeping pills are indicated for air travel, when it is better for the cat to fall asleep in order not to experience stress, as well as in cases of protracted illness.

The dose of the medication administered depends on the body weight and age of the pet, so it is best to consult a veterinarian in advance. Among the well-known sleeping pills for cats, you can choose the following: "Vetranquil", "Nalbuphin", "Butorphanol". These sedatives are administered by intramuscular injection according to the instructions.
