Diseases of the urinary system are one of the most common problems in pets. Most often, the period of exacerbation can last from two to three months. For the prevention of such exacerbations, it is worth using the homeopathic prophylactic veterinary drug "Kantaren".

The composition of the drug "Cantaren"
Due to its unique natural composition, the "Cantaren" preparation provides effective assistance without exerting any undesirable effect on the animal's body. This remedy is quite effectively used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract of animals, such as nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, as well as urolithiasis and renal colic.
It is known that the components that make up such a drug have been successfully used in homeopathy for over 200 years. Among them: common barberry, Spanish fly, sulfuric liver and arsenous copper. Each of them has an important role in this drug.
So, barberry, which contains a huge amount of alkaloids such as berberine, palmitine, ricin and berberubine, normalizes the conductivity of uric acid through cell membranes, and also promotes the passage of stones through the ureters. The fruits of this plant are one of the best remedies for the treatment of renal and hepatic colic.
The Spanish fly is a source of cantharidin, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the urinary tract. In addition, it affects the narrowing of the arterioles of the renal glomeruli, thereby increasing the filtration capacity of the kidneys. However, this substance is quite toxic and is mainly used as an abscess. Cantharidin is deadly for humans.
Sulfuric liver, in turn, is a source of calcium polysulfides, which block the enzymatic activity of microbes. One of the most important components of the Kantaren preparation is arsenous copper, which has a detrimental effect on the pathogenic microflora.
The effectiveness of the drug "Cantaren" and its use for the treatment of cats
All components of the drug "Cantaren", combined in it in the required quantities, have a complex effect on the body. First of all, this drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. In addition, it perfectly removes urinary calculi and stimulates metabolic processes in the kidneys.
As a rule, cats of small breeds, as well as kittens, "Kantaren" are injected by injection at 0.5-2.0 ml, or they are given one tablet. In acute conditions, it is administered subcutaneously 1-2 times a day for 3-5 days.
The results of treatment of cats and cats with urolithiasis showed that Kantaren quickly restores the general condition and well-being of animals. In addition, this drug improves urine performance over time. To date, this drug has been recognized as one of the most effective and fast-acting among its counterparts.