Before you “tame” it, it’s a good idea to understand why the cat is “angry”. In fact, an animal cannot be "evil" or "kind" - these are human concepts that try to evaluate the behavior of animals.

A cat is primarily a beast. And if she is "evil", i.e. behaves aggressively, not affectionately, one must look for reasons and only then try to correct her behavior.
A little about basic physiological needs

If the animal behaves restlessly, aggressively, it means that some of its basic needs are not met. These needs are called so for a reason: it is this set of conditions that is necessary for the survival of an individual. Animals need:
- food;
- safety;
- satisfaction of the reproductive instinct and the maternal instinct.
A good owner is sure to provide the cat with the conditions to meet basic needs.
The temperament of the cat must also be taken into account. Temperament is a psycho-physiological property of an individual, inherent in both humans and higher animals (mammals).
Signs of aggressive cat behavior

There are a number of signs that you can easily tell if your cat is nervous and angry:
- the animal presses its ears to the head;
- pupils dilate;
- the cat "plays" with its tail: twitches, actively waving from side to side;
- the animal arches its back, the wool stands on end;
- the cat hisses, howls in the womb;
- the animal bites, scratches.
Experts distinguish between several types of aggression, and methods of behavior correction should be chosen depending on what exactly it is caused by.
Territorial aggression

Cats are individualists. They will defend their territory in all available ways. Territorial aggression occurs, as a rule, if another cat appears in the house. In this case, it is important for the owner to show that he equally values and loves both animals: feed at the same time with an equal amount of food, play with them at the same time, give equal affection and attention. And then the animals will have no reason for rivalry.
Game aggression

The cat can show excessive "zeal" during the game: pounce on the "toy", torment it, while it can scratch or bite the person playing with it, ruin the things with which it plays. Knowing this feature of the pet, you should not provoke its aggressive behavior: you should play less with it or temporarily stop playing. If during the game the animal shows signs of aggression, you need to switch to a calmer way of communicating with him (pick up, pet) or leave alone.
Aggression out of fear

If someone offended the animal, scared him greatly, the cat can "take revenge", ie behave aggressively towards this person. Therefore, you should not punish cats, let alone beat them. To live peacefully with a cat, it is necessary that the animal trusts those next to whom it lives, does not expect troubles from them - and then it will have no reason for "anger".
Hunting aggression
Cats are predators, so they have a strong hunting instinct. When showing hunting aggression, the cat does not show the typical signs of aggressive behavior. On the contrary, she tries to hide, quietly sneaks up on the object of the hunt and, choosing the moment, makes a sharp dash. If the animal has chosen an undesirable "hunting object", the owner, as a rule, has time to remove it from the cat's field of vision.
It happens that the listed methods do not help to cope with aggressive behavior. In this case, it is better to consult a specialist. The cat may need to be given medications.
Only a veterinarian can prescribe sedatives to an animal!
Sometimes after sterilization, the behavior of the animal becomes more calm.