How To Choose A Beautiful And Intelligent Medium Breed Dog

How To Choose A Beautiful And Intelligent Medium Breed Dog
How To Choose A Beautiful And Intelligent Medium Breed Dog

The old, as the world, proverb says that there are no comrades for taste and color. Therefore, each person can determine which dog is the most beautiful only on the basis of personal preferences. Well, in studies of the intelligence of dogs, certain patterns can be called.

The spaniel is one of 26 breeds that have shown excellent training ability
The spaniel is one of 26 breeds that have shown excellent training ability

The smartest medium-sized dogs

The Intelligence of Dogs, a Canadian psychology professor, presents a rating of the smartest dog breeds. It is based on the obedience intelligence of dogs, which determines their ability to execute commands.

Dogs of ten breeds (including three medium breeds) showed excellent training ability. They can understand a new command that has been repeated less than 5 times, and in 95% of cases they executed the command the first time.

The list of the smartest dogs is headed by the border collie. Representatives of this breed are medium in size, harmoniously built, have a strong skeleton and strong muscles. The body of the border collie is slightly elongated, the chest is wide and deep. The head of the dog is wide, with a well-defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The ears of dogs of this breed are semi-hanging, the tail is low set, of medium length. The coat is straight, close-fitting, requiring regular combing. The color is different, but the most common is the white coat color - gray with white markings. The ancestors of this breed were herding dogs. Today, the Border Collie is an intelligent and easy-to-care dog that perfectly performs not only guard functions, but can also become a faithful companion for its owner. He also gets along well with children. These dogs do not like life in the city, they need space and frequent walks, during which the border collie can run freely.

The following group of dogs showed excellent ability to train, the representatives of which required from 5 to 15 repetitions to execute the command, and from the first time the task was performed by 85 dogs out of a hundred. Medium breeds in the group were represented by such dogs as Welsh Corgi (Cardigan), Irish Water Spaniel, American Cocker Spaniel, Mittelschnauzer, English Cocker Spaniel, Collie Rough, Shorthaired Kurzhaar, Collie Shorthaired, Keeshond, Belgian Shepherd Dog and English Tervueren. -spaniel.

Tips for choosing a dog

You should buy a purebred puppy only from professional breeders. They will provide you not only with comprehensive information about the breed and the peculiarities of caring for it, but also tell you about the character and health of its parents. This will keep you safe from unpleasant surprises in the future.

When choosing a dog, consider the ratio of the vigor of the breed and your opportunities for active walks with it. Representatives of some breeds simply cannot live in a small apartment and will cause you more inconvenience than joy. Also, be prepared to thoroughly clean carpets and furniture if you choose a breed with a soft, long coat.
