Who Are Seahorses

Who Are Seahorses
Who Are Seahorses

Seahorses are peculiar fish with an unusual appearance; they belong to the needle family of the stickleback order. They got their name for their resemblance to a chess piece. About 50 species of seahorses are known, most of which are listed in the Red Book.

Who are seahorses
Who are seahorses


Seahorses prefer coral reefs and underwater thickets of tropical and temperate waters of the world's oceans. Some species have adapted to life in fresh water. These are very sedentary fish, most of the time they spend catching their tail on corals or grass and waiting for prey. They feed on small crustaceans and shrimps. As soon as the victim approaches, the seahorses puff out their cheeks and suck it up like a vacuum cleaner.

One of the features of seahorses is that their body is vertical in the water. This is achieved due to the peculiar structure of the swim bladder - it is divided by a septum into the head and the main part. The head bladder is lighter than the abdominal bladder, and this provides the skate with an upright position when swimming.

The sizes of seahorses, depending on the species, vary from 2 to 20 cm. The larger the individual, the longer its life cycle.

Masters of disguise

Seahorses are adept at camouflage. They cannot swim quickly, but they are able to deftly hide among algae and corals from their enemies. The skates take on the color of the place where they are and become completely indistinguishable from the environment. In addition, the body of some species of ice skates is represented by ribbon-like outgrowths that sway in the water, resembling sargassum algae. During courtship, the male can acquire the color of the girlfriend that interested him.

Dense bone plates that cover the body also serve as protection from enemies. This armor is very durable and almost impossible to break.

Caring fathers

Seahorses are known for their monogamy, they live in married couples and rarely change partners. These are the only animals in which males bear offspring. During the love dance, the female lays eggs in a special brood pouch of the male with the help of a special genital papilla. There the eggs are fertilized and fry begin to develop. The pouch protects them and provides nutrition from the male's body. Skates can mate several times, and fry and eggs at different stages of development end up in the bag. Childbirth is difficult and sometimes drags on for several days. Immediately after birth, small seahorses rise to the surface of the water and breathe air into their swim bladders.

Disappearing view

Many species of seahorses are currently on the verge of extinction; only high fertility saves them from complete extinction. They are used in the cooking of some countries, in oriental medicine. The powder made from their meat is the basis of drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis, asthma, impotence, and skin diseases. Souvenirs made from dried skates are very popular. They are often caught for aquarium hobbyists, although keeping skates in captivity is difficult and expensive.
