When purchasing a Mittel Schnauzer puppy, you must be sure that this is the right breed for living in your home. Mittels are dogs with a pronounced character, they are balanced and easy to train, but they cannot be called phlegmatic, they are very mobile and energetic.

What to look for when choosing a puppy
The standard recommendation when choosing a puppy of any breed, first of all, pay attention to the behavior of the bitch. If this is a sane dog, and not a downtrodden or angry hysterical, you will have confidence that your puppy also has a healthy psyche, which is very important for further education and training. When you appear, the bitch, of course, can bark, because in a stranger's house, puppies will immediately join her. But after a couple of minutes, having made sure that you are a guest, and not an enemy, the dog will calm down, and the puppies released for examination and acquaintance may completely stop paying attention to you by playing the game.
After that, pay attention to how the mother and puppies are kept, they should look well-groomed. Since the age of two months, at which the litter is usually activated, is quite small, it is simply impossible to determine unambiguously which of the puppies will become the future champion. If the owner begins to persistently recommend any puppy to you as a future champion, you should not really trust him. At this age, puppies are still angular and awkward, their build is disproportionate, and their movements are not always coordinated. But they should already have a noticeably elongated shape of the skull, the legs should be thick and straight, the angles of the hocks should be clearly defined. Signs of good conformation in mittelschnauzers can also be attributed to a wide chest and a short loin.
Puppies at two months old may have a solid build, but they should not be fat anymore. The eyes should already be clear, the gaze should be directed. Check the bite for a scissor bite. Examine the mouth - the puppy's tongue and gums should be pink. His coat should be clean, characteristic color - black or "salt and pepper".
Features of caring for a mittel schnauzer puppy
The main characteristic feature of caring for mittelschnauzers is the need for a haircut - trimming, which is done twice a year, starting from the age of six months. This is a serious challenge for the dog, especially if it is the first time it is being cut. It is necessary to train the puppy to take this procedure calmly from a very early age. To do this, use distraction or positive stimulation - toys, treats. A stern shout may also be required if necessary. For especially sensitive areas on the head, ears and neck, you should not use a trimming machine, which will make the haircut painful, but special thinning scissors. Thanks to regular trimming, in the apartment where the mittel schnauzer lives, there is no dog hair on upholstered furniture and carpets, there is no characteristic smell.