How To Get Rid Of Dog Ticks

How To Get Rid Of Dog Ticks
How To Get Rid Of Dog Ticks

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The tick is a small arachnid arthropod. Most often, dogs suffer from ticks, which catch these parasites in the grass. Ticks with bites not only irritate the skin, but also carry dangerous diseases, so you need to immediately rid your pet of them.

How to get rid of dog ticks
How to get rid of dog ticks

It is necessary

  • - tweezers;
  • - cotton wool;
  • - antiseptic;
  • - remedy for ticks.


Step 1

Examine your dog carefully after walking for ticks. Most often, they stick to the skin of the ears, head, thighs and abdomen. Recently sucked mites resemble small black dots, and when they drink blood, they swell and look like dense balls. It is also very important to inspect the pet's coat, since the first thing the ticks cling to is it.

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Step 2

When you spot a tick, hook it into its abdomen with tweezers or a special device called the Tick Twister, which resembles a slotted hook. Then gently twist the parasite out of the pet's skin counterclockwise. You can't just pull it out, since the tick bites into the body clockwise and the usual pulling can lead to the fact that its head comes off and remains rotting under the skin. If this does happen, pry it out of the skin with the tip of a pair of tweezers.

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Step 3

After that, treat the bite site with iodine or brilliant green so that there is no infection. And burn the tick itself, as it can suck again if you release it. After that, carefully observe the condition of the pet for several days and measure its temperature periodically. If the dog loses its appetite, becomes lethargic or has a fever, go to the vet right away, as the tick could be a carrier of piroplasmosis, a disease that is dangerous for the animal.

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Step 4

If there are a lot of ticks on the animal, it is better to show it to the veterinarian. He will advise on a special product for treating the skin against these parasites and tell you how to apply it correctly. It is not worth making a decision on the use of this or that drug on your own, since many of them contain toxic substances that, if the dose is not observed or if applied incorrectly, can harm your pet.

ear mite in dogs
ear mite in dogs

Step 5

To avoid ticks in your dog, treat your dog with a tick repellent or use special collars before walking. But do not forget to inspect the animal every time for the presence of these dangerous arthropods.
