What Is Angelfish (shellfish)

What Is Angelfish (shellfish)
What Is Angelfish (shellfish)

Angelfish belong to the pterygoid family of molluscs. These creatures have a very unusual body structure and color. It was the appearance of the mollusk that caused the unusual name.


general information


Sea angels are mollusks with a special structure of a transparent body, reminiscent of a torpedo. This creature moves with the help of processes similar to wings. The movements of the mollusk are smooth and graceful. Sea angels swim not very skillfully. During a storm, for example, they do not even try to fight the elements, but sink to the maximum depth in order to wait out the dangerous time.

In Japan, sea angels are very popular cartoon characters and characters for making souvenirs.

The low speed of movement does not prevent the mollusks from catching up with their prey. Moreover, they can hunt, waiting for prey among the algae. Unlike most representatives of the genus, sea angels do not have a shell, and their head is pronounced. Small tentacles and a well-developed mouth apparatus are clearly visible.

The body size of a sea angel reaches 5 cm. This species of mollusks lives mainly in cold waters. The main enemies of angels are birds and toothless whales, for which mass concentrations of mollusks without shells are a real feast. Researchers say that sea angels form real flocks, and there are several hundred individuals in one square meter.

Angelfish food

fish are considered hermaphrodites
fish are considered hermaphrodites

Despite their harmless appearance, angelfish are representatives of predators. Their main diet is limacins - molluscs, which are usually called sea demons or devils. The angel catches prey with tentacles, and then scrapes out the victim's body with the help of processes on the mouth apparatus. The process of getting food into the stomach and its movement in the angel are clearly visible thanks to the absolutely transparent body. The mollusk can eat one limacin for 20-30 minutes, while holding it tightly by the shell with tenacious tentacles.

It is noteworthy that this category of molluscs can go without food for several months. In the absence of the right food, mollusks use their fat reserves as a means of replenishing energy and vitality.

Amphipod crustaceans use sea angels as weapons. They catch shellfish and carry them with them. When danger arises, the angels develop a secret that scares off even large enemies.

Breeding sea angels

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All species of angelfish are hermaphrodites. For fertilization, two mollusks come into contact with each other with their abdomens and cross-exchange cells. Each angelfish then lays eggs, releasing a mucus-like substance into the water. The hatched larvae first feed on algae, and then begin to hunt for their usual type of food - sea demons.