Animals that inhabit our planet, like humans, are able to communicate with each other. The language of "our little brothers" is a wide variety of sounds, with the help of which they transmit signals. There is a certain meaning hidden in the cries of animals, birds and fish.

Step 1
It turns out that there is no silence on the planet Earth, sounds from the surface of the earth can be heard even at a kilometer or more height. And the silence is disturbed not only by the most varied phenomena that arise in nature. Animals, birds and insects day and night enhance the sound background in the world around them, communicating, informing each other about the most important things. Scientists zoologists have found an interesting pattern: small animals have a higher and thinner voice.
Step 2
Researchers have established the meaning of many monkey vocal cues. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the calls of these animals have a fairly large similarity in the composition of phonetic elements with the speech of people. Almost coincides with the human emotional meaning of the voice of monkeys.
Step 3
Monkeys living in groups often quarrel. For example, when calming bullying babies, adult primates scream loudly and menacingly, and clap their teeth in a special way. The cry of the Capuchin monkeys can deceive: being very close to the treat, these sly ones begin to scream as if there is a danger nearby, thus scaring away other individuals and getting someone else's food. According to the observations of zoologists, deceptive signals-cries of Capuchins appear more often when there is less food.
Step 4
Being far from each other, elephants can accurately identify the voices of familiar fellows. The huge ears of these animals are able to very clearly capture the individual, special sound of voices.
Step 5
Imagine that you are in a fur seal rookery. A large number of these animals have gathered in a small area of the earth, so a terrible noise reigns in this place. But the seals in the midst of this rumble hear each other, recognize important signals. A repeated roar audible at a great distance is a warning signal to marine mammals of danger, and the cubs, two kilometers away, recognize the loud cry of their mother. In a similar way, it is possible to find saiga and sheep cubs among a large herd.
Step 6
You can listen to frog roulades on long summer evenings. These amphibians give their concerts at different "concert venues", depending on their habitat. There are a large number of species of frogs, the cry of each of them is individual. Despite their small size, tailless amphibians are capable of making very loud sounds. The voice of silver-blue sharp-faced frogs begins to sound at the end of April, reminiscent of the murmur of a spring brook. The green toad is not very loud, but sings melodiously, conveying the sound of a violin. Common tree frogs make sounds similar to the quacking of ducks.
Step 7
The cries of these amphibians living on the American continent are especially loud. At a distance of several kilometers, you can hear sounds reminiscent of the warlike cries of Indians made by Fowler's toads. During the conquests of America, the screams of these amphibians terrified the representatives of the new world. The cry of a very large animal resembles the sounds made by a bull frog.
Step 8
What screams do not exist in the feathered kingdom! A little sparrow, seeing an enemy kestrel, emits two short cries - and his fellows immediately take precautions. Continuously cracking, the sparrow informs about the approach of another enemy - a cat.
Step 9
The starling is an excellent voice imitator. For example, upon noticing the approach of a sparrowhawk or kestrel, it emits the cries of these predators, making it clear with a signal that the enemies have been seen.
Step 10
The cries of chickens contain not only information about the approach of the enemy, but also from where and who exactly should be expected. A long continuous cry will notify a predator in the air, and repeated sounds inform about an enemy approaching on the ground.
Step 11
The alarming calls of birds sound so loud and unexpected near approaching enemies that often predators hesitate to attack them.
Step 12
Pointing to a silent person, someone can figuratively say: "He is like a fish." In fact, representatives of the underwater world also have a voice, which is sound signals that are transmitted quickly and far under water.
Step 13
Scientists help to unravel the meaning of many cries-signals of the animal world, and in the old days it was believed that only sages were able to understand the language of animals and birds.