Starlings are among the earliest heralds of spring. In whole flocks they arrive in their native lands in February or March, when there is still snow on the street. The starling is a songbird. With the onset of warmth, males appear next to the birdhouses and start their songs.

Who are starlings?
Starlings are a genus of songbirds belonging to the starling family. According to the zoological classification, 10 species of birds belong to the genus of starlings, which differ little from each other both externally and by way of life. The most common representative of this genus of birds is the common starling. Acquaintance with these birds should be continued with his example.
What does an ordinary starling look like?
The common starling is a small bird with a body length of 18 cm to 21 cm and a wingspan of up to 39 cm. This creature weighs no more than 17 g. The appearance of starlings leaves much to be desired: the body of this bird is massive, and the neck is practically invisible. This makes them slightly awkward. Starlings have long, pointed and slightly curved beaks. These birds are known not only for their short necks, but also for their small wings.
The plumage on the back, on the chest and on the back of the neck in adult females and males is no different: the feathers are black with a metallic sheen. The tail of these birds is also short (up to 6, 8 cm long). The feet are reddish brown. The main difference between males and females is manifested in the feathers located on their breasts: in males they are elongated, and in females they are short and graceful. In addition, males have a bluish spot at the base of the beak, while females have red specks in this place.
The lifestyle of common starlings
Common starlings and other starlings live wherever voids can be found. These birds quite easily and quickly get used to new places of settlement and completely do without natural hollows. Ornithologists often observe how starlings arrange their dwellings in the holes of the walls, in the cracks of the rocks. But the main dwelling of these birds are birdhouses, thanks to which these creatures have gained wide popularity among people. In the wild, some species of starlings settle in deciduous forests and feed in clearings and meadows.
Nests are built and equipped exclusively by females. Males do not like to take part in this. Only sometimes the male can bring some kind of blade of grass or twig to make a contribution to the construction, though not big, but. In the morning and in the evening, starlings sit on branches, rustle their black wings and sing their sonorous songs. Their song is full of different sounds, because starlings are famous imitators. They cleverly copy the voices of other birds, the croaking of frogs and many other sounds.
Starlings provide all possible assistance to humans, protecting agriculture from attacks from insect pests. These birds guard fields, orchards and orchards, being true friends of man. All day long, these creatures run through the fields and gardens, looking under the leaves and under the grass, collecting food for their brood. Starlings feed on insects, worms, arachnids and caterpillars in the nesting period and plant food in late summer. Already in August, many starlings begin to gradually fly away to warm regions for the winter: they fly to the south of Europe and North Africa. Common starlings often overwinter in Central Europe.