How To Know When A Siamese Cat Is Pregnant

How To Know When A Siamese Cat Is Pregnant
How To Know When A Siamese Cat Is Pregnant

Bright representatives of the cat family - Siamese cats, are in great demand among breeders, lovers and admirers of this beautiful breed. As a rule, the owners of such cats vigilantly monitor the personal life of their pets and the pregnancy of their beloved cat is a great holiday for them.

How to know when a Siamese cat is pregnant
How to know when a Siamese cat is pregnant

Pregnancy of cats

One of the most prolific cat breeds is the Siamese. Also, Siamese cats differ slightly from ordinary cats in terms of the duration of bearing kittens. If an ordinary cat needs a little more than nine weeks for a full-fledged pregnancy, namely 63-65 days, the Siamese cat copes with this task in a shorter period of time, 59-61 days. Of course, it cannot be argued that these terms are indisputable, but when determining the duration of pregnancy, one should start from them.

Pregnancy of a cat should be counted from the day of fertilization of the egg, but this is not always possible, and therefore the first calendar day of mating usually becomes the starting point.

External signs of a cat's pregnancy to determine the gestational age

From the first to the fourth week, a cat's pregnancy is very difficult to visually notice. But you can pay attention to a slight weight gain of the cat, vomiting after eating and a slight lethargy in behavior is also sometimes possible, the cat becomes calm and unhurried. In the fifth week of pregnancy, it can be visually noted that the cat's belly begins to grow, if you gently stroke the cat's tummy, then small bumps are felt, these are grown up future kittens. You may also find that the nipples have become denser, pinker and more visible among the fur. When the sixth week of pregnancy begins, you will realize that your cat has become noticeably larger in a very short time, literally in 1-2 days.

In the seventh week, you can visually and tactilely feel the movement of kittens in the cat's tummy. Also at this time, the cat will begin to study in detail the space around her in order to determine the place where she wants to give birth. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the cat will become completely inactive, detached. If a little earlier you noticed that the cat's nipples have swollen and turned pink, now an increase in the mammary glands is clearly visible. A few days before lambing, a cat may have a slight light or white discharge. A few hours before lambing, your cat will begin to lick her belly and genitals. Diarrhea or vomiting are also possible. The cat will purposefully start looking for a comfortable place to give birth. If at this moment you help her and offer a comfortable bed, most likely she will choose this one.

It should be noted that purebred cats do not always prefer solitude during childbirth. There are precedents when a cat is waiting for attention and support, the presence of the owner. Especially such tendencies can be manifested in cats with the first litter.
