There are special reasons why the bear is called differently in Russian than in other European ones. At the same time, the common European root bear or ber is preserved in the word "den". Our ancestors considered the bear as a brother of man, the most similar to him of all animals, a sacred animal, and the sacred names are not pronounced aloud. That is why the "bear" appeared.

Step 1
But do not think that a bear can become a friend to a person, and never try to make friends with him. The bear is considered one of the most ferocious predators, according to the trainers, working with a bear is much more dangerous than working with a tiger or lion. Bears sometimes have unexplained and uncontrollable attacks of aggression, as a result of which a person can be very hurt. Nevertheless, from time immemorial in Russia there were daredevils who took on the domestication and training of bears. From there, and popular prints with dancing bears, from there and the current circus tradition of training.

Step 2
If it happened that you found cubs in the forest whose mother died, then do not try to take them to you and try to raise them. Contact the forestry or other services that can pick up the babies and take care of them. You will not be able to provide them with the necessary care, in addition, even very young cubs can pose a huge danger to humans. No matter how affectionate a bear may be to a person, one day it can deal a fatal blow, so do not experiment.

Step 3
If you really want to work with bears, then go to a circus school and learn the profession of a trainer. Remember, however, that there are many pitfalls in this profession. Since Soviet times, bears for training have been taken from their dens, killing a bear, and only the most ferocious bears were selected for work. The fact is that working with a bear is possible only when he is angry, and a person suppresses him physically, using intimidation and pain. Peaceful gullible bears will never be able to work in the arena.

Step 4
Another thing is not trained, but tamed bears. There are many cases of hunters and zoologists feeding cubs whose mother was killed by poachers. Such bears are fed with milk from a bottle and raised like children, but all conscious "educators" have the goal of teaching the bear to survive on its own, and then let go into the forest.