Longevity is the eternal and secret dream of all mankind, which cannot be said about the representatives of the animal world. Some of them not only can survive a person, but entire epochs, and even civilizations!
Step 1
Bowhead whale. Scientists have determined that this species of Arctic baleen whale is a real find in the secrets of longevity. The size of these creatures is quite large, but less than the size of the famous blue whales. The body length of the bowhead whale reaches 20 m, and its weight is up to 130 tons. Females are usually larger than males. Their age can also be judged by the tips of the harpoons stuck in the skin of whales centuries ago while hunting them. The maximum life span of the bowhead whale has been officially recorded. She is 211 years old.
Step 2
Turtles. These reptiles are considered one of the longest-living animals in the world. Their average life span is 200 years. For example, one of the most ancient turtles is the elephant turtle named Jonathan. She lives on the island of Saint Helena. She was first photographed back in 1900! After that, she was photographed every half century. Scientists researching Jonathan say he feels great. Another long-lived turtle was Henrietta, who was born in the Galapagos Islands around 1830 and died in 2006 in an Australian zoo. Her age was 176 years.
Step 3
Sturgeons. The sturgeon family is one of the oldest families of bony fish. Sturgeon live in temperate, subtropical and subarctic zones: off the coast of Eurasia and North America, in rivers and lakes. On average, the sturgeon reaches 3 meters in length. Not so long ago, employees of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources caught a sturgeon weighing 108 kg and a length of 2.2 meters. Ichthyologists have determined that this fish is 125 years old. They attached a special tag to her, and then released her.
Step 4
Red sea urchin. Scientists recently caught an individual of a red sea urchin, on which an inscription was scrawled, testifying to its capture back in 1805. This inscription was made by two Americans - Clark and Lewis from Oregon. Scientists have found that red sea urchins are phenomenal long-livers. The fact is that they have the ability to constantly renew their cellular structure. These animals hardly age due to this feature. These creatures live in shallow waters off the rocky shores of the Pacific Ocean (from Alaska to California). The needles of these hedgehogs reach 8 cm and completely cover their round bodies.
Step 5
Raven and other birds. The average lifespan of ravens is more than 100 years, the maximum is more than 200 years. In captivity, this bird lives much longer than in freedom. It is curious that such longevity is shared with them by kites, falcons, and even parrots, which can live up to 120 years.