How Not To Get Worms From Dogs

How Not To Get Worms From Dogs
How Not To Get Worms From Dogs

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Many people keep dogs or cats at home. Very often, the animal literally becomes a member of the family. Communication with him brings joy to both adults and children. And the question of whether a person can get infected from a dog, and how to prevent this from happening, is not an idle one. Yes, animals often become carriers of all sorts of helminths. However, human infection from a dog is not a frequent phenomenon.

How not to get worms from dogs
How not to get worms from dogs


Step 1

The body temperature in humans and dogs differs by 2 degrees. The existence of parasites is possible only under certain conditions. Once in the human body, the helminth egg will die or simply come out naturally, since the environment is unsuitable for its existence.

how to know if a dog has worms
how to know if a dog has worms

Step 2

Most of the parasites dangerous for both humans and dogs develop in stages, finding themselves at a certain stage in the organisms of different animals. A kind of chain is formed, in which a person is not included. He simply cannot become one of its links. For example, a helminth egg falls on the soil and is eaten by a pasture mite. That, in turn, ends up in the body of a sheep, cow or goat. A dog can only become infected by eating the meat of this animal. And in her body, helminths begin to multiply. But the further development of the parasite must certainly follow the same path, i.e. through the tick. There is no person in this chain. In short, dogs have some parasites, and humans have others. Even if they enter the human body, they either do not develop at all, or quickly die.

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Step 3

Of course, a person also has helminthiasis, and according to the data available to doctors, this disease is currently extremely common. But, as you know, in most cases this happens when basic hygiene rules are not followed.

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Step 4

Infection of an adult from a dog is possible with a decrease in immunity. After its recovery, dog worms simply die. As you know, the body's resistance of a small child is much lower than that of an adult, and they can become infected with worms from a dog. To prevent this from happening, regularly - once every 3 months - deworm the animal. Teach children to wash their hands not only before eating, but also after interacting with the dog. If you have a yard where children are walking, clean up dog poop regularly.
