How To Choose A Pet By Horoscope

How To Choose A Pet By Horoscope
How To Choose A Pet By Horoscope

Each zodiac sign has their own favorite pets. Someone prefers cheerful and playful, someone - invisible and quiet animals, and someone needs them in the house just to get rid of the feeling of loneliness. But which zodiac is suitable for which animal?

how to choose an animal by horoscope
how to choose an animal by horoscope

Astrologers recommend choosing it in strict accordance with your zodiac affiliation.

Aries (march 21 - april 20)

People born under this sign are purposeful, energetic enough, mobile and decisive. They are very often leaders in their companies and love everything big and strong. They are suitable for such animals as: Irish Terrier, Doberman, Rottweiler, Mastiff and other agile dogs with a good disposition (if they are not taught to be different).


Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

These people pay special attention to tactile sensations, but they are almost constantly busy with all sorts of things. Therefore, their choice should fall on beautiful animals that do not require constant care. These include, for example: Spitz, aquarium fish, cats of various breeds (including courtyard murkas).


Gemini (may 21 - june 21)

Representatives of this sign are very talkative and friendly. It is very difficult for them to be in peace and quiet for more than a few hours. Therefore, they should not choose animals, but birds that can be taught to talk: an African gray parrot or a wavy parrot, a cockatoo.


Cancer (june 22 - july 22)

Which pet suits this zodiac sign? Something you can take care of (kittens, hamsters, dwarf dogs, giant Achatina snails, turtles, etc.). After all, Cancers, in themselves very responsible and homely, love to patronize everyone.


Leo (june 23 - august 22)

Leos are very fond of everything unusual and extravagant, they always try to be in the spotlight. And they also have a special impulsiveness. Therefore, they choose animals almost at random, at the behest of their hearts. Perfect for this sign of the zodiac: pedigree cats (for example, Siamese, phlegmatic Persians or friendly sphinxes), rats, chinchillas.


Virgo (august 23 - september 22)

Pedantic and loving order in all virgins is better to have clean and friendly animals in the house, from which there is not a lot of dirt. These are: Bernese shepherds or Chinese crested dogs, Italian greyhounds, Sphynx cats, aquarium fish.


Libra (september 23 - october 22)

Libras are always looking for harmony and beauty in everything and have impeccable taste. They also love to have fun. Therefore, they should pay attention to animals that can both amuse and satisfy aesthetic hunger at the same time. These include: parrot "pink-cheeked lovebird", canaries, squirrels, kittens, puppies. It is better to refrain from acquiring animals that should be brought up.


Scorpio (october 23 - november 21)

Outrageous, extravagant, inquisitive and impressionable representatives of this sign are best off to have calm, quiet-behaving pets in their house: iguana, tarantula, boas or crocodiles. These exotic animals will not bother them. From ordinary animals, only those with a black color can be purchased. Scorpios will not get along with others.


Sagittarius (november 22 - december 21)

Benevolent and energetic Sagittarius will like large and noble pets: medium and large dogs, horses, smart rats. They will be able to be real companions for him, with whom you can actively spend your own time.


Capricorn (december 22 - january 19)

Practical and ambitious Capricorns need animals that will obey them in everything. At the same time, they should emphasize the status of their owner. After all, the desire to climb the social ladder is in the blood of the representatives of this sign. Which pets do this best? German shepherds, domestic lynxes (pixiebobs), mastiffs or exotic cats.


Aquarius (january 20 - february 18)

Individualists like Aquarius need to choose animals to match - cold, exotic and unusual. Most suitable for them: exotic iguanas and dogs of unusual breeds (for example, Labradors or Yorkshire terriers),. In addition, they can acquire animals that no one of their acquaintances has anymore (for example, capybaras or miniature donkeys).


Pisces (february 19 - march 20)

Pisces, though kind, but lazy enough. Any animals that do not need special care (for example, tropical fish) are suitable for them. Although, if necessary, they will not leave any others to their fate. Because the sense of responsibility is also strongly developed in them.


As a conclusion

As you can see, the animal for each sign of the zodiac is its own. You can, of course, choose it in accordance with your horoscope. However, don't be too eager to do this. Since the most important thing when choosing a pet is your attitude towards it. Think first: can you love him?
