What Is The Most Dangerous Predator In The World

What Is The Most Dangerous Predator In The World
What Is The Most Dangerous Predator In The World

There is no consensus about which animal of the predators is the most dangerous in the world. At one time, these were, obviously, dinosaurs, and now different species claim this title.

What is the most dangerous predator in the world
What is the most dangerous predator in the world

Large mammals

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The largest land-based predator is the polar bear. It can weigh up to 800 kg and reach a length of three meters. He has a high level of intelligence, is perfectly oriented in space and hunts all year round, since he does not hibernate. White giants feed on small animals and fish, and can attack people when they see fear or aggression from their side. Bears can live alone and in packs.

One of the largest and most dangerous animals in the world and among felines is the tiger. Its weight can reach 700 kg or more. In search of prey, tigers travel great distances day and night, and one individual eats 7-10 kg of meat per day. When hunting, tigers use the factor of surprise. They do not make any sounds, quickly jump out of ambush on the victim and gnaw at her vertebrae. Tigers can become cannibals when there is a shortage of animal food. Currently, tigers are on the verge of extinction.

People sometimes joke that the most dangerous predator on the planet is man himself, since he has killed and continues to kill for food, skins and entertainment the largest number of living creatures of all kinds, as well as representatives of his kind during wars.

Predatory bird

the scariest animal in the world
the scariest animal in the world

Among birds, the falcon is one of the most dangerous and fast predators. It has such advantages as excellent maneuverability, a keen eye, high dive speed at the victim. For example, a peregrine falcon while hunting can reach a speed of 322 km / h.

Serpent queen

The largest snake on Earth is the anaconda from the boa family. On average, its length is 5-6 meters, but sometimes it is more. Anacondas feed on birds, reptiles, mammals of various sizes, which they can swallow. They do not disdain carrion either. Although anacondas are great swimmers, fish is not their favorite food. Due to their large size and strength, these snakes are dangerous to humans, although there are not many recorded attacks. Anaconda quietly lies in wait for prey, then quickly grabs and strangles it, wrapping itself around, and then swallows the victim whole.

Aquatic inhabitants

The great white shark is considered the largest and most dangerous predatory fish. Fish over 6 m in length live in the oceans and feed on marine mammals, fish and seabirds. This type of shark is the most dangerous for humans, although he is not their preferred prey.

Piranha fish are a real thunderstorm of the rivers of South America, it is not for nothing that they are called river hyenas. These ferocious fish reach a length of 30 cm and weigh up to 1 kg. With one bite, they are able to bite a person's finger.

Another aquatic inhabitant, the Australian cubic jellyfish, which lives off the coast of Northern Australia, is recognized as the most poisonous creature on the planet. Its tentacles contain a powerful poison that can kill 60 people in just a few minutes.

Small predators

Rats under normal conditions rarely attack people, but hungry, angry or intimidated, rats will stop at nothing. And a large concentration of aggressive rodents can kill a large animal or person. Also, rats are carriers of a dangerous infection.

Small predators can sometimes be no less dangerous than large ones.

Surprisingly, the ant can also be called a dangerous predator. Colonies of stray ants living in Africa are a thunderstorm for small and large animals, possessing powerful and large jaws. In an hour, they can leave only a gnawed skeleton from a huge boar. Moving long distances, they even overcome rivers, mating with each other. African tribes, seeing the approach of an ant colony, rush to leave their settlements.
