Can An Animal Express Emotions Through Facial Expressions?

Can An Animal Express Emotions Through Facial Expressions?
Can An Animal Express Emotions Through Facial Expressions?

The facial expressions of the human face help to more accurately express their emotions, that is, a direct relationship to what is happening, not associated with its intellectual comprehension. In animals, mimic muscles are less developed, but not completely absent.

Can an animal express emotions through facial expressions?
Can an animal express emotions through facial expressions?

Learning to read facial expressions in humans occurs throughout life. Of course, the period of early childhood accounts for the most intensive assimilation of the meanings of certain mimic signs.

People are able to capture the emotions expressed on the faces of their interlocutors or opponents in different ways. This is further complicated by the fact that the person is capable of lying in the same way that the tongue is lying.

Some are able to understand the emotions of animals, although this "art" is much more difficult.

Animal facial expressions

The muscles responsible for facial expressions developed and became more complex in humans along with the development of speech, while in dogs and cats they remained at the same level as they were several million years ago.

Higher primates are closer to humans on the evolutionary ladder, therefore their facial expressions are much more complex and diverse than the facial expressions of representatives of the feline and canine families. However, this does not mean that animals use their mimic apparatus in any other way.

The emotions they experience are also clearly reflected in the expression of their muzzle. It's just that people are not always attentive to these external manifestations of the internal state of pets.

Most often, people are able to distinguish only those facial expressions that may indicate a threat from the animal. Therefore, an aggressive grin is familiar to almost everyone. If the emotion of an animal does not directly concern a person, then, as a rule, he does not care how it is imprinted in his eyes.

How to understand what an animal is experiencing

People who like to communicate with animals perfectly understand the language of their facial expressions. In many cases, it replaces speech with them. Having learned to speak, a person stopped using some mimic figures, which it became possible to replace with words. Animals, on the other hand, always show their gratitude, pleasure, and confusion in their facial expressions. To learn how to read their emotions, you just need to be attentive to their inner state.

Having learned to understand the facial expressions of animals, you can establish such close contact with them, which, it would seem, is impossible without the use of speech.

However, the fact that animal mimics never deceive makes this contact especially trusting. Perhaps this is why many people say that many more people love dogs. Although the animal cannot exactly explain its desires to you or tell you about the events of a past life, their emotional state can always be determined by a sad or happy face.
