Many dog owners sooner or later face such a nuisance as the appearance of fleas in their pet. The bites of these small insects are very painful to animals. They give the dog serious discomfort, make it irritable and embittered. Therefore, it is so important to notice the appearance of fleas in an animal in time and quickly take all the necessary measures to eliminate them.

Step 1
The most popular remedy for getting rid of fleas that have already settled on a pet is a special anti-flea shampoo for dogs. You can buy it at any pet store or veterinary clinic. This remedy has practically no contraindications, but the protection period of the flea shampoo is very short. In addition, the shampoo does not protect the animal from flea reappearance.

Step 2
To get rid of fleas in a dog, you can use special anti-flea drops, which are simply applied to the skin of the animal in the area of the withers. This product provides protection against fleas for 2-4 months.

Step 3
Some dog breeders use a special spray to rid their pets of fleas. After the animal has been completely treated with such a product, the dog should not be allowed to lick itself before the spray dries. The action of such a remedy lasts, as a rule, for 6 months. By the way, this method of getting rid of fleas is not suitable for long-haired dogs.

Step 4
Despite the fact that one of the most popular remedies for helping to rid a dog of fleas is a flea collar, it has many disadvantages. First, it is unable to protect a long-haired animal from insects. Secondly, he often rubs the dog's skin, giving it serious discomfort. Thirdly, most dogs do not like the specific smell of the collar, causing them irritation and anxiety. In addition, the flea collar must not be worn on sick animals or puppies. It is better to use it only to prevent the appearance of insects, and not to get rid of them.

Step 5
You can get rid of fleas in a dog with the help of a decoction of celandine and a series. Prepare the product following the instructions on the package. Then cool the broth, rub it against the grain of the animal and dry thoroughly with a hair dryer. Do not dry your dog with a towel, or most of the flea tea may be removed from the dog's coat. This treatment can protect the animal from fleas for several days.