How To Choose A Pug

How To Choose A Pug
How To Choose A Pug

If you decide to have a pug, know that you will get a real friend who looks at you in love, follows you everywhere, and supports you, both in fun and in sadness. It is believed that pugs lived at the courts of Chinese emperors, they had their own servants, and the ladies of the court wore them in the sleeves of their silk clothes. Probably, this palatial past made the pugs big fussy.

Correct pug profile
Correct pug profile

Pugs are susceptible to a variety of skin diseases, prone to allergies and can faint from an unexpected loud sound. But these are extremes, however, you need to be prepared for them before you bring a puppy into the house.

Finding a breeder will not be difficult, now there are enough advertising platforms where dogs are sold. If you do not plan your friend's participation in exhibitions and pedigree breeding, then it is not necessary to choose titled producers in the third generation and for fabulous money. Moreover, the presence of regalia from parents will not save your pet from all the hardships and problems of this breed.

It is best to find a seller who has the father or mother of your future pet. This way you are more likely to buy a thoroughbred baby. Important signs of the breed are black claws on all legs, an absolutely flat profile of the head, that is, the nose does not protrude beyond the nasal fold, but is, as it were, sunk into it. The head itself is square, not forked between the ears. The tail does not dangle (only if the dog is scared, sad or asleep), it usually lies with a strong steering wheel on its back.

Pay attention to the dog's eyes, they cannot be placed too far on the sides of the head, that is, there should not be the impression that the dog is looking in different directions, this is already a disease. Look into the ears - they are clean in a healthy dog. Also pay attention to the smell. An unpleasant smell from a dog is already a bad sign, a healthy dog smells like a dog, a healthy puppy smells like milk.

Wool. Pet the dog against the grain, it is not a cat, it will not growl. In a healthy dog, hair should not fly in different directions from such actions, a maximum of a couple of hairs. Be sure to play with your puppy whenever you choose. If the dog is healthy and happy, he will happily rush, wiggle his steering wheel and willingly take part in puppy troubles. The character of the dog is visible from the first months, so you can choose a puppy that is harmoniously suitable in temperament. If you prefer calmness, then choose the independent and less active from the whole litter, then you will not have to radically change your habits.

If you are faced with the task of saving a pug from unscrupulous owners, then do not pay attention to smells, wool, behavior patterns and rather take the dog to a new home.