A dog, regardless of its age, size, breed and temperament, is a great responsibility resting on the shoulders of the owner. Unfortunately, not all dog owners understand this. People around them often suffer from their irresponsible attitude to the maintenance and upbringing of their pets.

In developed countries, there are strict requirements for keeping dogs in residential buildings, as well as strict rules for their walking. Russia is still only striving for this, adopting from time to time the rules of keeping and walking dogs with extremely vague wordings and a complete lack of control over their implementation.
In turn, this leads to the fact that compliance with the officially adopted rules lies on the conscience of dog owners. And among them you can easily find inadequate owners who, with their irresponsible attitude, spoil the lives of others. Below are their main types.

1. "She doesn't bite"
A man is walking down the street, thinking about his own. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a dog of a small decorative breed rushes at him with a bark. A person is frightened by surprise and begins to look for the owner with his eyes. "Do not be afraid, she does not bite" - comes the calm voice of the owner of the dog. Familiar situation?
It doesn't matter if she bites or not. It is enough that with her barking she already frightens passers-by, giving them discomfort. So why, knowing that the dog loves to bark at passers-by, let him off the leash? It does not matter whether the breed is large or small, in public places the dog must walk on a leash. And this is enshrined in the rules for walking dogs.
2. "She plays like that"
The owner walks with his dog. Suddenly a small terrier of indeterminate blood suddenly appeared in the soft side of this dog. The dog, although it is on a leash, nevertheless decides to defend its honor, as a result of which a real fierce struggle begins at the feet of a person. “Do not be afraid, he plays like that” - the inadequate master tries to calm down.
All dogs are different, and some are not friendly to their kind. A large dog, in response to such "defiant" behavior, can easily tear apart an ill-bred small dog. Who, then, will be to blame in this case?

3. "I walk wherever I want"
Evening, playground located in the courtyard of a multi-storey building. In the middle of this area, bent over into a shrimp, sits a Staffordshire Terrier. Children run and play nearby. To a reasonable remark, the owner of the dog replied: "Wherever I want there and walk!" After the dog, of course, he decided not to clean up.
The rules for keeping dogs clearly and clearly state that it is forbidden to walk dogs in playgrounds, schools, kindergartens, and other childcare facilities. Moreover, according to the law on dog walking, which entered into force in 2019, the owner is obliged to ensure the cleaning of waste products in public places.
4. Lovers of "free range"
This category of people is not at all concerned about the safety of both the dog and those around them. They calmly let the dog go for an independent walk. Their dog can safely throw at other dogs, at children, at the elderly, at runners, at cyclists, causing a lot of trouble to others.
All attempts to reason with the lover of free walking usually do not lead to anything, since "the dog wants to run."

5. "A little miscalculated"
Surely many have seen how a large dog pulls on a leash its clearly inferior owner, for example, a fragile miniature girl, a child or an elderly woman weakened by old age and diseases. And it's good if the dog just pulls. Most often, this behavior is also accompanied by aggression.
In the early morning, a woman walks in the park with her tiny Chihuahua. At the same time, the dog is on a leash. Suddenly she notices how a Rottweiler with a grandmother, attached to the second end of the leash, is stubbornly torn at them. It can be seen that the woman is trying with all her might to restrain, but all her attempts are in vain."If you have a boy, you better leave!" she shouts to the Chihuahua owner. To some, the situation may seem funny. But obviously not to those people whose life of dogs depends on whether a child, a fragile girl or an elderly woman has enough strength to keep a healthy aggressive dog.
It is worth noting that in all unpleasant situations associated with dogs, it is not the animals that are to blame, but their owners. Compliance with the rules of keeping and walking dogs, a responsible attitude to their upbringing and training, as well as respect for the people around them will reduce the number of these unpleasant moments to a minimum.