How To Keep A Guinea Pig

How To Keep A Guinea Pig
How To Keep A Guinea Pig

If your child needs a fluffy, friendly animal that will not be difficult to care for, a guinea pig is ideal for this. This is an unpretentious animal. Caring for these animals does not take much time and is easy to perform, even a child can easily cope with this.

How to keep a guinea pig
How to keep a guinea pig

Cooking shelter for a furry friend

Before buying a pet, you should prepare the place where it will live. You don't need to put your guinea pig cage in a dark, far corner. From time to time, the sun's rays should fall on the cage so that the animal does not get sick with rickets. The cage should be in a visible place so that the pig does not feel lonely.

The guinea pig should be kept in a spacious, sturdy cage. It is good if it has a removable trellis top, as well as a plastic bottom. The cage will be easy to clean and disinfect. A cage with a wooden bottom is not entirely suitable for keeping pigs, since the tree will quickly become saturated with the animal's waste products, as a result of which bacteria harmful to the health of the animal will multiply. Cardboard boxes are also not suitable for keeping pigs, the animal will gnaw through the walls of the box very quickly.

The bottom of the cage must be filled with sawdust, and the straw used as bedding, and cat litter is also suitable.

Inside the pet's cage there should be a house where the pig will rest, a feeder and a drinking bowl with clean water.

Buying a guinea pig

When buying an animal, it is very important to pay attention to the state of health. The eyes should be clean and shiny. The coat is glossy, smooth, there should be no tangled lumps. Transport your guinea pig in a well-ventilated box.

Maintenance and care

Feed the pig twice a day with the following foods: solid food (grain), herbs, pieces of fruits and vegetables, hay. The guinea pig does not tolerate hunger, therefore, it should be fed with the required amount of food. There should always be clean water in the drinker, it is worth changing it daily. The bedding in the cage is changed at least twice a week.

A cage with a guinea pig should not stand near open windows, vents, in a draft, so that the animal does not catch a cold. It is necessary to regularly examine the animal so as not to miss the signs of the disease. You should also periodically brush the coat and trim the nails.

If you follow all these simple rules of care, then the animal will be cheerful, playful and healthy.
