Butterflies are the most beautiful representatives of insects, invariably causing delight and surprise. Particularly impressive are tropical species, the color of which is brighter and more varied than that of their northern counterparts, and the wingspan sometimes reaches 28 cm. In total, there are about 158,000 species of Lepidoptera on earth - this is what science calls butterflies. Today, exotic animals living in apartments do not surprise anyone. Keeping butterflies at home is also quite possible and justified - a person wants beauty and miracle, and they will bring them on their fluttering wings.

Breeding native species of butterflies

The maintenance of ordinary butterflies - inhabitants of central Russia - will require practically no costs from you. First, prepare a place where the larvae will live. An aquarium, a plastic container, or a regular three liter jar will do. Place paper napkins at the bottom. Cover the prepared container with gauze, a net or a lid with holes so that the tracks do not crawl out. The gauze or mesh can be secured with a regular elastic band.

The cage is ready, you can go in search of larvae. Please note that the caterpillar cannot be handled - you can crush it. It is best to transfer it along with the piece of paper you found it on. Don't forget about the feed. Each species feeds on a specific type of vegetation. Feed your pets the leaves of the plants from which you removed them.

Place caterpillars and forage leaves in a prepared container. In no case should the greenery dry or rot. Spray wipes from time to time to keep the leaves fresh. Change forage greens daily. It will take a lot, because caterpillars feed almost continuously.

After a few days, they will stop gnawing on the leaves, some will change color. The pupation period is approaching. It usually takes 2-3 days.

It is good if you have determined in advance what species your future butterfly belongs to, since the time of transformation, and sometimes the necessary conditions for keeping cocoons, are different for different species. Usually pupae are kept at a temperature of 26-28 ° C and the importance of air is about 60-80%, so do not forget to moisturize your insectarium.
At the same time, there are wintering species. They need to ensure "wintering" in the refrigerator at temperatures from 0 to -5 ° C and constant low humidity. Place the cocoon in a tight-fitting cardboard box. Put a piece of damp cotton wool there, so that it does not come into contact with the cocoon. Check and moisten the cotton swab periodically to prevent mold. Place the box in the vegetable compartment. Lower the temperature in the refrigerator gradually. "Wintering" should last at least a month. Then also gradually start raising the temperature.
The development of pupae of common species lasts about a week. Place a small branch next to the cocoon in advance, or simply hang a strip of toilet paper. The butterfly should hang upside down so that its wings dry out and spread out. Butterflies are fed with a solution of honey or sugar, juice of overripe fruits.
About breeding exotic species
Exotic butterflies can also be bred and kept at home, but here you cannot do without money. You will have to prepare an insectarium for the larvae and pupae and a place where your butterflies will then live. In both cases, it is necessary to provide temperature and humidity close to those of the tropics.
To feed the larvae, you will have to breed exotic plants - it is almost impossible to replace them with local species. Best suited for this purpose is a greenhouse, where you can keep butterflies.
Breeding of tropical species begins with the acquisition of pupae, which also requires financial investments. You can purchase cocoons through online stores. Today, unless you are a collector, professional breeding of exotic butterflies is a reason for drawing up a business plan, and this is a separate big and serious conversation.