How To Give Birth To A Chihuahua

How To Give Birth To A Chihuahua
How To Give Birth To A Chihuahua

Chihuahua gestation averages 56 to 72 days. During this time, dog owners have time to prepare for childbirth by buying everything they need and reading a bunch of relevant literature on managing a canine pregnancy. However, in addition to this, you also need to be able to take the birth itself.

How to give birth to a Chihuahua
How to give birth to a Chihuahua

Preparing for childbirth

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Childbirth in Chihuahuas, however, like in other dogs, does not come unexpectedly. They can always be predicted by certain signs - for example, a few days before giving birth, the dog's sides sink, the back and external genitals sag, which become loose. The nipples are filled with colostrum right before our eyes, the dog begins to refuse food and walks, looking for secluded places or showing excessive excitement. Also, the day before delivery in a Chihuahua, body temperature can systematically rise and fall.

It is necessary to prepare the place where the dog will give birth at least a week before the puppies are born, so that she can get used to it and settle down in it.

For childbirth, you need to prepare newspapers, towels, absorbent diapers, clean rags, sharp scissors, thread for tying the navel, antiseptic, heating pad and pain reliever, which can be advised by a veterinarian. You may also need to stimulate a weak labor activity - for this you need to purchase disposable syringes and ampoules with oxytocin or mastometrin. You should also practice giving injections - or insure yourself by agreeing with a veterinarian who can come to the rescue in an unforeseen situation.

We accept childbirth

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At the onset of contractions, the dog begins to breathe frequently and heavily, rummage in its nest and worry. Her sides are periodically tense - contractions can last from one hour to twelve hours. Then they turn into almost imperceptible attempts, the interval between which can be about forty minutes, during which the first puppy should appear.

If the pushing continues for more than four to six hours, you need to call the veterinarian, as the fetus may not be lying properly or be too large.

After the puppy is born, you need to immediately break the afterbirth, wipe the puppy dry with a cloth and put several threads on the umbilical cord (2-4 cm from the abdomen). Then the umbilical cord between them should be cut with sterilized scissors and the puppy should be wiped again. After these procedures, the baby must be quickly attached to the mother's nipple in order to stimulate new uterine contractions and speed up further labor. If desired, the Chihuahua can eat the afterbirth - it is very nutritious and healthy.

If one of the puppies born does not show signs of life, you need to lower it head down, rub it along the spine and chest, shake it slightly and check its mouth for the presence of amniotic fluid and mucus. When all the puppies are born, the dog needs to be washed and wiped dry, offering the woman in labor high-calorie food and water.
