Why Does A Cat Need A Mustache

Why Does A Cat Need A Mustache
Why Does A Cat Need A Mustache

The whiskers of a cat or a cat are called vibrissae (from the Latin word vibro - "wriggle", "hesitate"). Vibrissae are long, tactile hairs that protrude from the fur of an animal.

Why does a cat need a mustache
Why does a cat need a mustache

Functions and structure of vibrissae

With the help of vibrissae, the animal receives information about obstacles on the way, about changes in air flows, and thus orientates itself in space. Nerve impulses from vibrissae enter the brain along with information from other organs. Therefore, even minor changes in the surrounding space will not go unnoticed for the cat.

A cat's whiskers are several times thicker and longer than normal hair. Longer and more sensitive vibrissae are located in four rows on either side of the nose, above the upper lip. The two upper rows of the mustache can move independently of the lower ones. Shorter vibrissae are located above the eyes, on the cheeks, on the chin, on the ankles of the front paws, between the pads of the front paws and even on the tail.

The base of the cat's whiskers is located in the surface layer of the skin. The root of each of them is in the hair follicle, nerve endings fit to it, which transmit information about the environment to the brain.

The need for a feline whiskers

Cats use whiskers to measure the size of objects. For example, by touching the walls of the hole with vibrissae, the cat can immediately determine whether he will crawl through this hole. Whiskers allow cats to determine the location of objects, to avoid obstacles in complete darkness. Vibrissae are indispensable for a cat when hunting, with the help of them he determines the direction and speed of the wind to make the most accurate jump. With the help of the whiskers, the animal controls the prey when it holds it in its teeth.

Damaged whiskers in a cat grow back in a few weeks.

Vibrissae on the paws help the cat to feel the vibrations of the floor. Vibrissae-eyebrows protect the eyes, allowing timely closure of the eyelids. A cat's whiskers are indicators of an animal's mood. In an excited or interested cat, they are directed forward and widely spaced.

If the cat is frightened or angry, he presses his mustache to his muzzle.

The average length of a cat's whiskers is 6-7 cm. The Maine Coon cats have the longest vibrissae. The length of the mustache of a Maine Coon named Missy (Finland), which was 19 centimeters, was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. Vibrissae of cats are very sensitive, therefore animals do not like to be touched.

You can not trim vibrissae, cats without them become confused, their movements become uncertain. Frequent loss of a large number of mustaches can be caused by improper diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or be a symptom of a disease. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.
