How And Why The Number Of Tigers In Nature Is Changing

How And Why The Number Of Tigers In Nature Is Changing
How And Why The Number Of Tigers In Nature Is Changing

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The current situation around the tiger population can be described as catastrophic. Over the past century, the number of wild tigers has decreased by almost 25 times. And their number is still decreasing. Three of the nine known species of tigers are gone forever.

How and why the number of tigers in nature is changing
How and why the number of tigers in nature is changing


Step 1

In the 70s of the 20th century, a Javanese tiger was last seen in the wild. Its number was small before, and the global destruction of its habitat and poaching completely destroyed this population. Another island subspecies, the Balinese, was also exterminated by humans, and since these tigers lived exclusively in the wild, it is no longer possible to restore the population. The last wild individual of the Transcaucasian tiger was killed in 1968-70. on the territory of Turkey.


Step 2

Back in the 19th century, the tiger's habitat was quite large, it covered the southern part of Asia, the Indonesian Islands, the Indian Peninsula, and the Caspian territories. Today, tiger populations live in confined spaces, at great distances from each other.

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Step 3

Man is the main cause of the death of tigers. Deforestation, environmental pollution, changes in the food supply of ungulates greatly affect the number of tigers. The main threat to his existence is man. But he is also the only chance for survival. About 50 Chinese tigers exist exclusively thanks to humans. Unfortunately, they are all descendants of 6 individuals and are in an artificial habitat. Recent observations suggest that the South China tiger is not found in the wild.

What tigers are found in India
What tigers are found in India

Step 4

The largest population of the Bengal tiger is also the fastest growing. Over the past 10-15 years, its number has decreased by half, due to poachers and the destruction of natural habitats. The situation with the population of the largest tiger, which lives on the territory of Russia, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, is quite tolerable. In the wild, there are about 450 individuals. The need to have large hunting grounds greatly affects the number of the Ussuri tiger. Intensive deforestation reduces the number of ungulates, which in turn reduces the predator population. Russian poachers have been supplying the Chinese market for many years, and most of the killed animals are sold here.

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Step 5

Only man can save tigers from extinction. Government and independent international conservation organizations strive to preserve and increase the tiger population. The basis of their activity is the fight against poachers, the restoration of the food supply and the registration of existing individuals. It should be noted that due to the measures taken in recent years, the number of the Amur tiger has remained stable.
