How To Care For Scottish Fold Kittens

How To Care For Scottish Fold Kittens
How To Care For Scottish Fold Kittens

Scottish Fold cats are distinguished by their spectacular appearance, good health and balanced disposition. In order for the animal to feel good and develop correctly, the kitten must be carefully looked after. Feeding, raising and playing with your pet will give you a lot of pleasure - the Scots are very sociable and quickly become attached to the owner.

How to care for Scottish Fold kittens
How to care for Scottish Fold kittens

The main thing is food

how to feed your pet
how to feed your pet

When picking up a kitten from a breeder, ask about the pet's diet. It is advisable to continue to feed him with the usual products in the prescribed mode at least the first days. This will save the animal from indigestion, and you - from worries about his appetite.

Scottish Fold cats are omnivorous - they are not capricious in food and quickly get used to new products. Decide if you will be feeding your pet homemade or industrial food. The latter option is preferable - professional food contains a balanced complex of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the proper development of a kitten. Up to six months, the pet is fed with canned food and dry granules for kittens, later they can be transferred to food for adult animals. Make sure that the animal always has clean water - this is especially important if the kitten eats dry food.

If you decide to cook your own food, make the animal a mixture of meat products and cereals. Fatty meat, cream, semi-finished products and smoked meats are contraindicated for kittens. Scottish Folds should not be given a lot of calcium - for example, cottage cheese. It is believed that such food can affect the ears of the animal - instead of lying on the head, they will rise.

Do not feed your pet treats - Scottish Folds tend to overeat, and this is fraught with fullness and indigestion.

Feed your kitten three to four times a day. After six months, he can be transferred to two meals a day.

Good manners

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How to feed a Yorkie

Scottish folds quickly get used to the rules. Give your animal a comfortable place where it feels safe. This can be a basket with a soft mattress, a bed or a special cat's house. Make sure the kitten has a scratching post and toys. The little Scotsman will spend hours playing with a mouse suspended from an elastic band or chasing a paper ball.

The kitten needs companionship. Play with him daily, pick him up, talk. Scottish fold is very sociable and needs close contact with the owner.

Kittens of this breed are very clean. Choose a convenient litter box and clean it regularly. You can put two trays for your pet - this is especially convenient if you are not at home for several hours.

Scottish Folds get along well with children, cats, and other pets. They very rarely show aggression, maintaining a cheerful disposition until old age. These kittens do not scratch and do not bother meowing, they are very balanced and slightly phlegmatic. But for the safety of the pets themselves, you should regularly do them a manicure. Trim the claws with special animal clippers, removing only the very tip of the plate.

Take care of the kitten's fur. Care for thick fur with a dense undercoat with a fine, round-toothed comb. Brush the kitten twice a week - usually the animals can easily tolerate this procedure. You shouldn't wash your pet. But you need to regularly clean his ears. With a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion, gently wipe the inside of the ear. If there are dark crusts on the cotton wool, show the kitten to the vet - the animal may have been infected with an ear mite. Check your pet's eyes too. If they watery, drip anti-inflammatory drops, and wipe off the dirt in the corners of the eyes with a damp cotton swab.
