How To Build A Stable

How To Build A Stable
How To Build A Stable

Table of contents:


A good house for horses can only be built by true connoisseurs of horse breeding. The main thing in this business is to create a competent plan for the stable. It is best to leave planning to an experienced designer. It is important for a horse owner to master the basic principles to properly build a stable.

Only a horse breeding expert can build a good stable
Only a horse breeding expert can build a good stable

It is necessary

  • Good stable plan, taking into account the terrain and the number of horses
  • Material for walls, taking into account climatic conditions
  • Padded with waterproof materials
  • Fire resistant roof material
  • Ceiling boards and insulation grease
  • Suitable material for floors
  • Rubber mats
  • Litter of winter straw, peat or sawdust
  • Lamps with a waterproof shade
  • High doors and windows
  • Good ventilation
  • Additional materials and equipment according to the individual stable plan
  • Specialist consultation


Step 1

Choose a dry location for your stable so that the water table is low. You can make a house for horses with a log, adobe, brick, etc. Your main task is to build a spacious, warm and dry room. In colder areas, walls can be insulated with waterproof materials.

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Step 2

Make a roof (from shingles, planks, steel, shavings, etc.) that will not leak. It must be fire resistant. Be sure to make a ramp to drain the water, and the edges of the roof protruding just over a meter on each side. In this way, the interior of the stable will be additionally protected from precipitation. When building a horse house, it is recommended to make a roof just over two meters high to the eaves.

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Step 3

Choose thick planks for the ceiling (about 5 cm thick) and lay them very tightly. Above - a grease made of clay and sand, a layer of dry sawdust and a few centimeters of earth. Chopped straw or peat is also added to the lubricant. Usually the ceilings in the stables are high: 2, 8-2, 6 meters, depending on the size of the horses.

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Step 4

Lay the floors at a slight slope. Choose a material for them that is durable and does not allow water to pass through. Horses must not slide on the floor! Often, stables are concreted or laid on the floor with special rubber mats. It is believed that under the horses it is best to put winter straw, sawdust or brown peat. The thresholds are not needed in the stable.

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Step 5

Arrange a passage to the stable in the form of a double-leaf gate that swings open to the street. The horse must pass freely through all doors, so leave openings for them approximately 2 meters high and 5 meters wide. Do not make sharp-angled schools, because the animal may bump into them.

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Step 6

Keep in mind that horses need sunlight for constant vitamin D production and plenty of fresh air. Each section of the stable should be illuminated by tall lamps with a waterproof shade, as well as a window. Raise window openings more than a meter from the floor. It is believed that the windows in a stable need 1 square meter for 15 square meters of floor.

Step 7

Install ventilation hoods on the roof or on the cornice - hoods, because there will be few windows for good ventilation of the stable. Be sure to make the lower openings of the ventilation ducts above the gutters - the heaviest vapors will accumulate at the bottom. Be sure to consult with a specialist at all stages of construction.
