How To Catch A Ferret

How To Catch A Ferret
How To Catch A Ferret

Table of contents:


The ferret is a small furry animal from the weasel family that looks cute and funny. However, the ferret is a rather bloodthirsty and cunning predator. It benefits from eating rodents in grain fields. With a certain training, ferrets are used for forest hunting. But if the "robber" gets into the habit of going to your barn for chickens and rabbits, then he can drag and strangle a lot of living creatures. Catching a ferret is not easy, but it can be done.

Ferret is a cunning and resourceful animal
Ferret is a cunning and resourceful animal

It is necessary

  • Trap - "live trap"
  • Bait
  • Wormwood decoction
  • Mastic or goatskin
  • Quilted jacket or thick gloves
  • Sand
  • Well fortified barn
  • Trained dog


Step 1

Study the ferret's habits and try to find its moves. You can sprinkle the places of possible appearance of a predator with sand in order to judge its movements by traces. The ferret becomes most active at dusk. Prepare by this time a "live trap" - a trap that allows you to catch the animal alive and well. Catching ferrets in rural farmsteads is allowed without a hunting permit, however, if possible, do not use killer traps.

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How to choose a pet ferret when buying

Step 2

Buy a special metal or wooden live trap for small predators, or make one yourself. Make a rectangular cage from planks with a flap door. Above the roof, install a structure that resembles a "crane" well. Tie one end of the rope to the door, and attach the bait to the other - fresh meat with blood.

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how to catch a dog

Step 3

Use the tricks of an experienced hunter: lure the ferret with various lures based on the musk glands of animals (such as Akron). They can be bought at specialized hunting stores. Treat the trap well with a decoction of bitter wormwood to repel the smell of a person. Disguise the trap - experienced ferrets often ignore traps, and only domestic cats and long-suffering chickens come across them.

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Step 4

Try to catch the ferret with your own hands if you catch it at the scene of the crime. Wear very thick wadded gloves or throw a padded jacket over the thief. Be careful - this animal is very fast and dodgy, besides, it bites hard. As a defense, its perianal glands emit a strong stench. If the ferret does bite you, pinch his nose and insert a piece of wood between his teeth. After that, unclench the mouth of the animal.

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Step 5

Try to ward off the ferret from the barn. Lock up chickens or rabbits at night and release a watchdog with a long harness that allows you to walk freely around the building. Some villagers coat the walls with mastic or hang goat skins in the barn. Sometimes these traditional methods help temporarily, especially when scaring young animals away.

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Step 6

Save your living creatures from the twilight thief with all possible measures. You can concrete the floor, lay a mesh under the floor and on the wall, fill up all the holes. Pick out places around the barn where a predator might be hiding. Everything should be clearly visible. The ferret can take a fancy to a heap of stones and boards, weeds, a manure heap, any of your outbuildings, incl. haylings and cellars. He especially loves damp places.
