How To Get Rid Of A Cat's Ear Mite

How To Get Rid Of A Cat's Ear Mite
How To Get Rid Of A Cat's Ear Mite

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If your cat often scratches its ears and shakes its head, and you notice a dark coating inside the ears, it is most likely that the animal is worried about the ear mite. These parasites cause a lot of inconvenience to the cat and the owner's duty is to rid the pet of them as quickly as possible. Modern medicines allow you to quickly and reliably cope with the problem.

How to get rid of a cat's ear mite
How to get rid of a cat's ear mite


Step 1

Getting rid of a cat's ear mite is not easy. First of all, you need to clean your ears as thoroughly as possible. You will need a special lotion available from your veterinarian. If there is no such preparation, use refined vegetable oil. Dip a cotton swab in it and gently peel off the crusts. Be especially gentle on the inside of the ear canal. If the crusts are dry, drop some lotion into your ear, massage the sink, and then start cleaning. Do not put oil in your ears.

Step 2

To prevent the cat from scratching, wrap it in a terry towel. Fix the paws of the animal - most likely, the pet will pull out. Try not to hurt the cat, but do not stop the procedure until the ear canal is clear.

Step 3

The next stage is treatment. Many different drugs are produced to kill ticks. The most reliable means of the new generation are ear drops that destroy ticks at all stages of development. Follow the instructions on the package. Usually it is required to put a couple of drops in each ear, and then, tilting the animal's head, massage at the base of the ear. Do not let the cat shake its head - the medicine must remain in the ear canal.

Step 4

After 2-3 days, the cleaning and instillation procedure will have to be repeated, even if it seems to you that the crusts in the ear are gone. If there are still a lot of crusts and purulent discharge, cleanse a third time. If there are other pets in the house, carry out preventive treatment for them - ear mites are very infectious and usually affect all pets in contact with each other.

Step 5

Instead of drops in the ears, you can use preparations applied to the withers. They are especially effective as preventive measures. These drops are ideal for animals with free access to the street. They effectively kill not only ear mites, but also fleas and other skin parasites. Put some of the product on the withers - the animal should not be able to lick them off. No re-treatment is required - the product lasts for several weeks.
