Do I Need To Go To A Dog Show

Do I Need To Go To A Dog Show
Do I Need To Go To A Dog Show

Often, owners of purebred dogs are confronted with the strange insistence of the breeder of their pet, who literally begs to bring the dog to the show. On this basis, conflicts even arise, perhaps the desire of the dog handler will be understandable if you know why you need to show the dog at the exhibition at all.

Do I need to go to a dog show
Do I need to go to a dog show

The value of dog shows for dog handlers

Dog shows are held within any registered canine community. From the point of view of zootechnics, exhibitions are a review of the breeding stock of the breed, as a result of which the best dog in terms of exterior and other breed qualities is selected.

However, today the show ring is more a venue for a show, a dog show. Rings are held for each class (baby, puppies, juniors, interval, open class, veterans). The winner (champion) is selected for each ring, after which the adult dogs are compared to determine the best male and the best female, and the best representative of the breed is eventually selected from this pair.

Why does a dog need an exhibition

Dog breeders at the exhibition really look at the livestock, show their young, brought dogs, new producers, veterans, but what can ordinary owners of one beloved dog do in this noise and din? Exhibitions are often perceived by them as a tiring and extreme pastime, with the risk of stepping on someone's tail or crushing someone's paws. Yes, from this position, there is nothing to hope to enjoy and visit the show.

However, you can always consider the situation in a different way, if you imagine the exhibition as a beauty or talent contest, and just a release for a pet. After all, to be honest, there are few places where ordinary owners have dogs. And for them, such a journey is akin to arriving at a ball. Once or twice a year, it is quite possible to arrange such an event for your pet, especially if the breeder offers his help at the same time.

Even if your pet does not fly to the top of the ring Olympus, but only runs in full view with its head held high, this drive and positive attitude of your beloved dog is worth 3-4 hours of wasted time. And if you personally receive the coveted winner's rosette and loudly declare your pet the best dog or bitch … It's time to run to sign up for the next dog show. A few recommendations will not be superfluous.

How to prepare for a dog show

If you have never been to this event, it is advisable to come to the dog show for the first time in November, December, when the slush has passed, but severe frosts have not yet come. The breeder will tell you in detail what to take with you; in general, you will need a comb and a ring - a thin leash for rings. For the handler (the one who will show the dog in the ring), a second shoe is desirable.

If you have a hunting dog show, in some cases you will need a fieldwork diploma. If your dog belongs to the breeds to be groomed, then on the same day or on the eve he needs to do show grooming. It is advisable to know the schedule of dog shows in advance.

However, if, on the contrary, you observe in your dog a reluctance to go into such a gathering of people and animals, the obvious and persistent discomfort of a pet, then you should not torture yourself or the dog.
