What The Cat Is Trying To Tell You With Its Tail

What The Cat Is Trying To Tell You With Its Tail
What The Cat Is Trying To Tell You With Its Tail

Animals cannot speak, but they use different signals. Demeanor, use of voice, peculiar gestures - all these are ways to establish contact with a person. Such communication is quite subtle and skillful. Understanding it can warn of aggression, anxiety of the animal, or, conversely, express its gratitude and sympathy. In this article we will talk about cats and what they are trying to tell us with their tail.

What the cat is trying to tell you with its tail
What the cat is trying to tell you with its tail
  • The position of the tail always speaks of the pet's mood. If it is raised straight up, it means a simple greeting and expectation of attention and communication from the owner. By the way, in relation to dogs, this signals the opposite: excitement, anxiety or alertness of the dog.
  • In a calm, relaxed state, a cat's tail is usually lowered and curled. And if at this time your pet receives attention and affection, then he becomes mobile and sluggishly wags from side to side. And if the tapping of the tail on the floor is strong, then your cat is most likely in a playful mood and is preparing to attack a hand stroking her or a moving object nearby.
  • Active tail wagging also indicates anxiety, even anxiety. It can be triggered by fear or aggression. Dogs often take this gesture as an invitation to play. Experts argue that it is partly because of this difference in languages that there is a confrontation between cats and dogs.
  • The back-and-forth movement of the tip of the tail can be read at the same time as frustration and a surge of emotion. In any case, it is better to retreat from the animal at such a moment, because this gesture is usually followed by the pet's attack. From his side, the attack can be harmless, playful, but the person will definitely get a couple of scratches.
  • The horizontal wavy position of the tail in a cat indicates its curiosity, interest in something. Most likely, this will be followed by a detailed study of the new object. Be careful that the cat does not get into an annoying position.
  • A purring cat with a tail tucked in on the side indicates that she is sympathetic, obedient and calm.
  • If its tail is tucked down and is between its paws, your pet is in great fear. In this case, the ears can be pressed and pulled back, or the fur is raised. Claws in this state may not go into battle, but you will definitely hear a threatening hiss.
  • These are the main ways that cats can express their mood with their tail. However, this is not all. Most of these animals have an individual character. And it is very important for owners to understand it.
