To grow a healthy and full of energy dog from a puppy, education alone is not enough. Complete and proper nutrition plays a very important role in the development of the animal. It is also worth paying attention to the feeding rules, especially to the place reserved for this. Every owner should know how to feed a shepherd puppy.

Step 1
Train your pet to eat properly from the first days. To do this, you should, having chosen a suitable place, put the bowl on a stand or a low chair. The bowl should be at the level of the puppy's chest. This is to ensure that the dog does not grow up with a humped back or with a high back. As your pet grows, the height of the chair should be adjusted to match its height.
Step 2
Set up a feeding area. It is better to put a small rug under the chair so that the puppy stands next to the bowl steadily and does not slip.
Step 3
Watch for the correct stance. It is very important to teach your baby the correct stance right away. To do this, you should constantly monitor how the puppy puts its paws and correct it daily if he does it wrong.
Step 4
Give a treat. To establish contact with the animal, after eating the main food, you should feed it with something tasty. For example, give a bone with meat to gnaw.
Step 5
Do not provoke your puppy to growl while eating. Wipe his face after eating.
Step 6
Be sure to put two separate bowls on the highchair: for food and drink.
Step 7
Give only the right food. As for the nutrition itself, then, of course, the pet must receive all the necessary vitamins and foods useful for development. For example, raw potatoes have a beneficial effect on the coat. Decides how to feed the shepherd puppy, each owner independently. It can be both dry mixes and traditional food consisting of cereals, soups and broths. However, you should not get carried away with mixtures, especially cheap ones. Some of them cause vitamin deficiency, worsen the general health of the pet. If the owner prefers to feed traditionally, then you should always remember that a puppy needs calcium, minerals, vitamins for up to six months.
Step 8
Monitor the general condition of the pet, do not neglect vitamins. Vitamin A plays a special role. Lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to defects in growth, which cannot be corrected later. Also, you can not give the dog the long bones of a bird or rabbit. It is much better to offer the puppy to chew on the veal cartilage or bones of a young ram.