How Long Does A Cat's Pregnancy Last?

How Long Does A Cat's Pregnancy Last?
How Long Does A Cat's Pregnancy Last?

It doesn't matter if the cat had an unscheduled mating or the owners specially brought her to the cat in order to give birth to kittens. It is important that people who do not have experience in breeding cats have little idea of the timing in which kittens should be born. How long does a cat's pregnancy last?

A domestic cat is capable of producing 3-4 litters of kittens annually. This is the maximum possible pregnancy rate in these animals. Ideally, you should not knit a cat more than once every six months, so as not to overload its body. In general, these animals reach puberty when they are 7-8 months old, but it is extremely unreasonable to breed a cat in the first heat, because in fact she is still a teenager herself. It is best to carry out the first mating after the animal has reached the age of one year, and its body is fully formed.

How long does a cat's pregnancy last?

In most cats, gestation lasts 9 weeks, which is 63 days, plus or minus a few days. But there are certain nuances that can affect the period during which the cat is pregnant. For example, a street cat, which can knit uncontrollably and carry as many litters as possible per year, has a shorter pregnancy than a domestic cat.

Stress in a cat's life can also affect the length of a cat's pregnancy. For example, if the owners of a pregnant cat move and transport her to a new territory, this is a powerful stress factor for the animal. In this case, childbirth can begin earlier than the 60th day of pregnancy - kittens born at this time are often weak and unviable. If the pregnancy lasts longer than 70 days, the kittens may be too large, and there is a risk that the animal will not be able to give birth on its own. A cat that is overcoming its normal gestation period should be seen by a veterinarian.

Cat pregnancy: how is it going?

The first sign that a cat is pregnant is her nipple enlargement and brighter pigmentation. This occurs in the 3rd week of pregnancy. Just like humans, cats may have morning sickness; this state lasts only a few days. And at the 7th week of pregnancy, kittens are already felt in the cat's tummy. If you put your hand on it, you can feel their movement.

A pregnant cat is inactive, one might even say lazy. The longer the pregnancy, the more sluggish and lethargic it becomes. You should not worry about changing the character of your pet, after the kittens are born and grow up a little, she will become the same again.

A cat's pregnancy lasts a little over two months, and during this time the owners of the cat must prepare a cozy place for the woman in labor and her kittens.
