How To Care For Garra Rufa Fish

How To Care For Garra Rufa Fish
How To Care For Garra Rufa Fish

In order for the fish in a home aquarium to live their lives happily ever after, leaving offspring, you need to keep them in suitable conditions. And for this it is necessary to find out what their natural habitat is.

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Garra rufa peeling

Fish - doctor

This species was described in 1843 by the Austrian biologist Johann Jacob Haeckel. This type of fish is distinguished by a bright red tail fin, species similar to it do not have this fin.

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The fish belongs to the carp family, its homeland is the Tirg and Euphrates rivers. In captivity, the size of adults reaches 10 cm, and in nature about 15.

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Currently, fish are imported most often for commercial purposes, and aquarists strive to provide them with a comfortable existence for further breeding in captivity. Only this fish from the now known ones can feed on keratinized skin particles and secrete at the same time a strong antiseptic dithranol.

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What conditions do they need

Garra Rufa needs ever-changing, oxygen-rich water. The temperature in the aquarium should be between 30 and 35 ° C.

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Continuous supply of oxygen to the water is required. Feeding is performed twice a day, it is more convenient to do this in the morning and evening.

Water filters are also required, regardless of volumes.

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Before moving new fish from the store to the aquarium, you need to wait some time after their move, and feed the new fish no earlier than 12 hours after their resettlement.

The temperature of the water in the aquarium at the time when new fish move in there should not exceed 30 ° C. It can be gradually brought up to the usual mark of 35 no earlier than after 3-4 hours.

The volume of water for the comfortable existence of each adult should be at least 7 liters, do not forget that this is a schooling fish, and it makes no sense to start less than 5-7 pieces.

If the fish is kept for medicinal purposes, this issue should be given special attention. The place where the medical procedures will take place should be carefully processed after each client, and this fact already suggests that two containers are needed. In one of them, the fish will be constantly, and in the other they are transferred for procedures as needed.

In order for the skin to soften, the water temperature of the upper border for fish is needed, about 35-37 ° C, they cannot be constantly at this temperature.

It is very inconvenient to feed the fish in the same tank that is used for the procedures. There is a high risk of mass death of fish due to increased levels of nitrates.

Water testers and heaters are also essential for containment.
