The need for careful and systematic care of the aquarium and the fish living in it is obvious: feeding the animals, periodically changing the water, cleaning the aquarium, inspecting it and checking the operation of the equipment necessary to keep the fish in the water. But that's not all!

Step 1
Some of the most popular aquarium fish are goldfish. At first glance, it may seem that these fish are unpretentious in care, but this is not so. If the care for them is inadequate, then they will live only 3-4 days. Since goldfish grow up to 15 cm in length, then an appropriate aquarium must be selected: its capacity must be at least 50 liters per fish. For the proper maintenance of these animals, an appropriate soil is also needed: the fact is that these fish simply love to dig in the soil. Plants for such an aquarium must be large-leaved, but you need to be prepared for the fact that exotic fish quickly spoil them with their feces. The aquarium itself should be spacious and light. Don't forget about proper lighting and filtration. Goldfish are delicate creatures, so shells with sharp sides should be avoided.

Step 2
These fish will not cause much trouble in their content - they are not picky. Guppies live and breed at a water temperature of + 20-25 ° C, but they can feel great at + 18 ° C. To prevent the fish from losing their color, you need to place the aquarium so that direct sunlight falls on it both during the day and in the evening. It should be borne in mind that guppies do not like polluted water, preferring that its replacement be partial. Guppies easily get along with other non-predatory fish, preferring the upper layer of water. These fish swim in schools one after another. Food for these cute creatures is dry daphnia, since they are not picky about food. A 50 liter aquarium is suitable for keeping guppies.
Step 3
These fish, if necessary, can breathe atmospheric air, so caring for them will not cause any special problems. The cockerel can grow up to 7 cm. The males have excellent fins, while the females are not developed. To keep the cockerels, you need to purchase an aquarium from 60 liters. Coarse sand, fine and coarse pebbles should be used as soil. The soil must be decontaminated. The central part of the aquarium should be free of plants: all the aquarium flora is placed on the sides. It is recommended to add some decorative driftwood and pebbles to the bottom. Everything is pre-processed. Food for cockerels plays an important role in the brightness of their color. For example, dry food suitable for the same guppies will become a real poison for cockerels! Therefore, in the diet of these fish, it is necessary to include only live food, egg yolk, small pieces of meat.