How Goldfish Breed

How Goldfish Breed
How Goldfish Breed

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Keeping goldfish requires special attention from their owner. These aquatic inhabitants are quite capricious in nature, so all additional elements for the aquarium must be selected very carefully. Reproduction of goldfish is a special process. The result of this period directly depends on your patience and knowledge.

gold fish
gold fish


Step 1

There are many varieties of goldfish. To obtain good and “high-quality” offspring, pairs of fish of only one species should be placed in a separate container during the spawning period. Fry from different parents can inherit completely unpredictable traits, as a result of which small fish will be problematic to be attributed to one breed or another.

what aquarium fish reproduce well when laying eggs
what aquarium fish reproduce well when laying eggs

Step 2

Goldfish become capable of breeding closer to one year of life. You can determine the sexual maturity of fish by some external changes. In females, distinct growths appear on the front fins, and the tummies are rounded. Males change their behavior and try to spend as much time as possible in the company of females. In addition, light tubercles appear on the gills.

How long after spawning will the fry hatch?
How long after spawning will the fry hatch?

Step 3

When transferring breeding goldfish to a separate aquarium, attention should be paid to their potential habitat. It is desirable that the situation and the temperature of the water in it practically did not differ from the usual dwelling for a couple. Otherwise, the long-awaited spawning may be delayed for a long time.

how to breed fish
how to breed fish

Step 4

The courtship process in goldfish is active. The male by all means tries to drive the female to the most secluded place. As soon as this happens, he presses the female with his body and waits for the start of laying eggs. Fertilization occurs immediately after the eggs leave the body of the female.

Step 5

The female can lay eggs several times within several hours. The male at such moments is always next to his companion. It is better not to disturb the inhabitants of the aquarium during the spawning rut.

Step 6

Please note that the goldfish should be returned to the old aquarium as soon as possible after completing the egg-laying process. Otherwise, they can eat their own caviar.

Step 7

Spawned eggs are at first almost impossible to notice at the bottom of the aquarium due to the transparent shell. The color begins to change in 1-2 days. Your task is to constantly inspect the aquarium. As soon as you notice the location of the eggs, immediately remove them from the water using a special net.

Step 8

The caviar should be placed in a solution of methylene blue. This remedy can be found at any pet store or drug store. This substance will preserve the vital activity inside the eggs. Otherwise, the eggs can become infected with the fungus, and all the offspring will die. It is enough to process future fry for several hours.

Step 9

The fry emerge from the eggs in about 5 days. Goldfish grow quite quickly, but you will have to control the temperature of the water almost constantly. The optimal environment for fry is 23-25 degrees.

Step 10

It is necessary to feed the fry with special feeds that differ in their consistency. Food for young fish usually resembles dust. After 1 to 2 months, the fry will be able to consume food that is usually offered to adult goldfish.