How To Properly Maintain Discus

How To Properly Maintain Discus
How To Properly Maintain Discus

Aquariums with fish have always been a decoration of any room. They give color to the interior. Discus are considered to be the king of the aquarium. To start containing them, you need to know a few rules.

How to properly maintain discus
How to properly maintain discus

Discus is a beautiful, unpretentious fish that grows quickly and reproduces well in captivity. An aquarium with them will look gorgeous in any setting.

The temperature for the optimal existence of the king of the aquarium should be 27 - 29 C. For this, it is necessary to purchase a heater, or better a pair, and install them opposite each other. The size of the aquarium for a couple of discus is at least 150 liters. The shape can be any, but preferably rectangular with a width of 60 cm and a height of at least 50 cm.

Water change is made once a day at least 20% of the volume. Experts recommend pouring water from the tap, there is no need to add chemicals. It is necessary to adhere to the acidity of at least 8.0. Clean the bottom once a week.

Lighting should be soft, diffuse. It is desirable that the bottom is darkened and the light does not reflect from the bottom glass (if there is no soil). Any soil will do; discus can do without it at all. Vegetation in such conditions takes root very poorly, so it is advisable to purchase artificial driftwood and ornamental plants. For aeration and filtration, a conventional compressor inserted into foam rubber is suitable.

Any species of fish can be accommodated with discus, except for those that will occupy a dominant position in the aquarium (for example, cichlids are capable of dominating).

You can feed discus fish with artificial food with a protein content of more than 40%. Self-prepared feed mixtures (minced beef heart), as well as absolutely any live food (bloodworms, daphnia, tubifex) are well accepted by fish.
