Animals have different mental abilities. To determine them, you need to conduct special intelligence tests. Swiss scientist Alan Portman has compiled a special rating to find out what is the stupidest creature on the planet.

The first line in stupidity is occupied by a hippo. According to Portman's tests carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century, he scored only 18 points. This means that the level of intelligence of this animal is very low. Although this does not affect his ability to survive in any way. So, hippos live in packs, where there is always a leader. Due to their weight and jaw structure, they can protect themselves from any predators, be it a lion or a crocodile. To get rid of parasites, they, like elephants, use dust and dirt. The same protection is practiced by them from the sun. The whole flock takes part in raising the cubs. There are "nannies" who are engaged in direct nursing of young animals. The main criterion that confirmed the status of the hippopotamus as the stupidest creature on the planet was its inability to learn. He cannot be tamed like an elephant or a monkey. The aggression of this animal can reach its peak in relation to a person trying to teach him to perform in a circus.
Among the birds, one can also distinguish especially smart ones and vice versa. So, the quail is considered the stupidest bird. His brain size is very small. This is due to low metabolism. Therefore, the brain crosses all stages of life very quickly. The intellectual abilities of these most stupid creatures on the planet are tending to zero. Their lifestyle is pretty primitive. They live in small flocks, in which there is not even a leader. Chicks are often abandoned, which increases mortality rates. Quails are not able to organize a decent dwelling for themselves, therefore they often move in connection with the destruction of ground nests.
Despite the fact that cats learn to use the litter box, remember some phrases and communicate with humans, they are considered one of the stupidest animals. Social experience teaches them nothing. They remain loners and sometimes are not even able to constantly go to the same place for bowel movements. The intelligence of most animals living in the wild and never communicating with humans is much higher than that of a domestic cat. Oxford scientists have shown that when cats live in the same house with dogs, they adopt some of their habits. But dogs from their neighbors do not learn anything, since they have a more primitive intellect. The memory factor in cats can be ranked as a simple habit and poor training. Dogs are able not only to understand commands, but also to be aware of their actions. Therefore, when asked what is the stupidest creature on the planet, we can safely call the feline family.