In nature, there are more than 4 thousand species of lizards. Each species has its own range and, of course, an individual diet. To feed a lizard in a terrarium, you must follow the advice of professionals. Then the animal will feel good and please its owners.

It is necessary
Tweezers, vitamins, food
Step 1
Choose food for your lizard carefully. These amphibians are carnivorous and herbivorous. There are species that feed on both. Most small lizards eat live crickets, cockroaches and locusts. But representatives such as the striped gecko, racadactylus and Ulikovsky's geckos eat bananas with pleasure. Carnivorous lizards have no reaction to inanimate food. Of course, over time, reptiles can adapt and eat dead insects. Use long tweezers to serve food to the lizards.

Step 2
Consider the biorhythms of your ward. For example, daytime geckos need to be fed after they have warmed up overnight. Nocturnal species prefer to eat after sunset. Be sure to feed your reptile age-appropriate. Young lizards need to be fed daily, given easily digestible food. More mature individuals are served food every other day.

Step 3
Feed the lizard in small portions. The average daily diet includes up to 5 worms per day. Remember that newborn lizards very often refuse food. Therefore, professionals advise smearing the mouth of a newborn with a crushed larva of shedding crustaceans. Then the baby will begin to lick his lips and eat on his own.

Step 4
Never overfeed reptiles. They begin to regurgitate excess food, which leads to disruption of digestive processes. But this does not only come from eating excessive amounts of food. Their digestion depends on the ambient temperature, when they are cold, they also regurgitate food because they cannot digest it. Sometimes the animal even dies.

Step 5
Be sure to include vitamins and minerals in your pet's diet. They are usually added by sprinkling them on the insects before feeding. Check with your pet store or veterinarian for advice. Remember that your lizard's diet must be complete.

Step 6
Be extremely careful when handling a gecko. Its skin is very delicate and tears easily. Take care of the terrarium your lizard lives in. Its volume should not exceed 100 liters for a pair of these reptiles, because in nature, they live in large colonies, and each individual protects and controls its site. Keep the terrarium humid by spraying water up to twice a day. Remember to keep an eye on the ground. It can consist of gravel, coconut, peat. In addition, it should be slightly damp. Maintain the daytime temperature in the cage at 28-35 degrees, and the nighttime temperature 5-8 degrees lower. Then the digestion of your wards will be correct, and you will be able to observe many interesting moments in the life of these animals.