How To Cure Riukin Goldfish

How To Cure Riukin Goldfish
How To Cure Riukin Goldfish

One of the most popular types of aquarium fish is gold. Among them, any aquarist will choose the breed according to his preference, since goldfish are very diverse. They can be small or large, colorful or discreet colors. Among this species, fish of the Riukin breed are especially fond of.

White and red riukin
White and red riukin

Description of the breed

Riukin is a selective form of the goldfish. Many researchers believe that it was from Riukin that the Japanese veiltail and oranda subsequently descended.

This fish has a short-bodied shape, but at the same time it is rather large in size and can reach twenty centimeters in length. The distinctive features of the breed include the elevation of the back, which forms a kind of hump just behind the head of the fish. The color of the riukin is very diverse, but most often you can see fish of red, silver and black colors. The most common riukins are red, chintz and red and white. The tail of fish of this breed is bifurcated and reaches a fairly large size.

Common symptoms of sick fish

The state of the fish is easy to determine by their mobility and the brightness of their color. In addition, luster of scales and appetite are signs of health. Another "indicator" is the dorsal fin. A healthy fish always keeps it strictly vertical.

All goldfish don't have that many illnesses. But if, nevertheless, the pet becomes ill, it should be immediately transferred to a spacious isolation ward, with a volume of about 50 liters, and treated. However, it should be remembered that after any treatment, as a producer, the individual will be lost, since antibiotics and other chemically strong drugs contribute to the infertility of fish.

If the fish has plaque in the form of semolina, or formations that look like lumps of cotton wool have appeared, or the fins are sticking together, and the fish itself swims in jerks, rubs against objects, its breathing is impaired and the fins turn red, it should be isolated immediately.

The most common diseases are dermatomycosis and gastroenteritis.


It is a fungal disease of freshwater fish. Most often, it affects individuals whose body is already weakened as a result of some illness, injury or poor conditions of detention.

With this disease, thin white threads appear on the body of the fish, on the fins and gills, which grow perpendicular to the body. If at this moment the cause of the disease is not eliminated, the threads will quickly develop into a cotton-like bloom. The fungus grows into the muscles and internal organs of the fish, as a result of which it becomes inactive and lies on the bottom.

In the initial stages, the disease can be suspended. To do this, a 5% sodium chloride solution is diluted in a separate aquarium and the fish are “bathed” in it for 5 minutes. You should also raise the temperature of the water and increase its aeration.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. If this is the wrong content of the fish, it should be dramatically improved. But if dermatomycosis is only a consequence of another disease, you need to immediately begin to eliminate the original disease.

Treatment of dermatomycosis can be carried out in the general aquarium. Copper sulfate, potassium permanganate, basic violet K are recommended as generic drugs. Fungus Cure from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, INC, Sera mycopur, Sera ectopur, Sera acutan, Tetra General Tonic Plus and Tetra Medica FungiStop have shown themselves well when using branded preparations. The above means should be followed according to the manufacturer's instructions.


This disease has a second name - stomach inflammation. It occurs when goldfish are overfeeding with poor-quality food, as well as with monotonous feeding with dried daphnia, gammarus and bloodworms.

A sick fish does not lose its appetite and eats well for a very long time. But at the same time, its activity decreases. In an individual, the belly swells a little and the anus turns red, and the excrement becomes threadlike and contains bloody mucus.

But this disease can be easily cured by simple fasting for a week. Sick fish should be transferred to a separate aquarium with fresh water, to which a weak solution of potassium permanganate is added. It is also necessary to increase the aeration of the water and raise its temperature by about 2-3 degrees.
