How To Keep An Aquarium Fish Cockerel

How To Keep An Aquarium Fish Cockerel
How To Keep An Aquarium Fish Cockerel

Rooster fish are suitable for those who love beautiful and unusual aquarium fish. All the colors of the rainbow are present in the bizarre coloration of the cockerels. In addition, these fish are very graceful, they have large beautiful fins. There are more than 70 species of these fish, the most popular are Thai cockerels, which at first could not adapt to life in captivity. But the enthusiasts managed to carry out serious breeding work, so everyone can now have these cute creatures at home.

How to keep an aquarium fish cockerel
How to keep an aquarium fish cockerel

Features of keeping a cockerel fish

The water temperature in the aquarium should be maintained within 25 degrees - not lower. Water hardness - 4-15, acidity - from 6 to 7, 5. If you place floating plants on the surface of the water, the males will not try to jump out of the aquarium. The soil layer is 3 cm, this is quite enough. You can even take a dark soil, because these fish in nature live in small bodies of water, where the water is cloudy. And they look impressive against such a background. You can glue the back wall with dark paper to create contrast. Or throw a piece of almond leaf into the water - it will touch up a little.

It is easy enough to look after the cockerels. The aquarium should be at least 10 liters in size. But in a small space, only one individual can be accommodated. It is undesirable to plant the inhabitants there. Two males will surely find each other and start a fight. And the gentleman can drive a small female to exhaustion. Although the ladies can be caught aggressive, they can even kill the persistent male.

If several individuals live in the aquarium and one is sick, then isolate it immediately from the rest, only after that start treatment.

How to feed a cockerel fish

Live and frozen food is suitable as food. In this matter, bettas are not picky fish. Some aquarists feed washed earthworms when there is a shortage of food.

Just keep in mind - no food pieces should accumulate at the bottom of the aquarium, however, this rule applies to all types of fish.
