How To Tell The Gender Of A Budgerigar

How To Tell The Gender Of A Budgerigar
How To Tell The Gender Of A Budgerigar

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When buying a pair of budgies, it is very important to determine their gender. Birds become sexually mature early, and already at a young age they develop relationships that last throughout their lives. Same-sex parrots are constantly in conflict and fight, begin to get bored and may die. The whole life of budgerigars develops in certain cycles: the period of courtship, mating, raising chicks and a short rest before subsequent mating games.

How to tell the sex of a budgerigar
How to tell the sex of a budgerigar


Step 1

A light edging around the nostrils is observed at an early age in females. By the age of four months, a blue waxworm appears, which gradually brightens by the age of six months of the bird. Over time, the female's wax becomes brown and does not change anymore.

Step 2

In males, after birth, the waxen has a lilac color. As it grows up, it changes its color to blue. Pay attention, when buying budgies of different ages, that females also have a blue color for a certain period of time.
