Large Cat Breeds

Large Cat Breeds
Large Cat Breeds

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Domestic cats are descendants of various representatives of the feline family. Some breeds of domestic cats have received from their predatory ancestors such characteristics as the large size and weight of the animal. Individual specimens can reach half a meter in height at the withers, and individuals up to 18 kg are found in weight.

A big cat
A big cat

The average weight of a domestic cat is 3-4 kg. The largest grows are castrated cats, which, with a high-calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle, usually gain weight of 5-6 kg. But there are cat breeds that hold the record for great weight and gigantic size. Cats and cats of these breeds reach the external proportions of an average dog.

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what to feed the Maine Coon

Maine Coon

The clear leader of large sizes is the Maine Coon cat breed. This ancient cat breed originated in North America in the state of Maine about 150 years ago. According to numerous legends, the ancestors of cats of this breed were the North American lynx, jungle cat and even a raccoon. Indeed, the tassels on the ears of Maine Coon cats are the same as those of the lynx, and the bushy tail, long hair and coloration resemble a raccoon. In addition, the name Maine Coon translates as "raccoon cat from Maine."

What Maine Coons look like
What Maine Coons look like

The breed is small in number, but very popular, so kittens of this breed are very expensive. Maine Coon cats are distinguished by a calm, friendly disposition, which is very appreciated at exhibitions, as well as a "dog's" devotion to the owner. By the age of four, cats grow up to 8-10 kg, cats - up to 13 kg, in isolated cases - up to 15-18 kg. The length of individuals reaches 135 cm, and the height at the withers is 30-45 cm. Despite the large size and weight, the representatives of this breed are mobile and graceful.



Another breed of cats, representatives of which are large in size, is the savannah. This is a short-haired breed with a leopard color. Savannah cats originated after artificial crossing of a domestic cat with a wild African serval.

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which animals are the biggest

Not all felinologists recognize this breed as domestic. Like many hybrids, the Savannah is an unstable breed that does not convey clear characteristics to its offspring. And males of the savanna up to the 4th generation are sterile. Due to such difficulties in breeding, savannah kittens are extremely expensive, the price can go up to 20,000 USD.

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Savannah cats inherited from their wild ancestors a flexible, graceful body, long limbs and extraordinary jumping ability. The height at the withers of animals can reach 60 cm, and the weight of large cats reaches 15 kg. In cats, the weight is less - 7-8 kg.

Savannah cats are difficult to potty train, so it is preferable to keep them in a private home. Cats are easy to train, like to walk on a leash.


The young Ragdoll breed was developed by crossing Burmese and Persian cats. Interestingly, the most sedentary, calm and peaceful cats that did not know the streets were taken to obtain a new breed. As a result, representatives of this breed are distinguished by a calm disposition, reduced muscle tone and patience.

Semi-long-haired ragdoll cats have a significant weight - 7-10 kg, for which they are called "good-natured giants". Ragdolls jump badly, they can sit on their knees for hours. With good nutrition, their thick, beautiful coat of white or purple color never falls off. Another distinctive feature of the breed is its huge, bright blue eyes.
