Cats are territorial animals that have a very wayward nature. Therefore, if you already have a cat in your house, and you decide to have another one, you need to properly introduce the animals to each other. Introducing a new cat too hasty can cause stress in both pets and negatively affect their relationship in the future.

It is necessary
Cat carrier, two identical handkerchiefs, two bowls
Step 1
First of all, place the newcomer in a separate room, having provided everything necessary in advance. There must be a tray, food, drinking water and a sunbed in the room. The rest of the apartment should be at the disposal of the older pet. Leave the carrier the newcomer was in here so the older cat can smell it. If the animal starts to show anxiety, do not be upset. This is a normal cat's reaction to the smell of a foreign animal. Wait for your pet to calm down and move on to the next stage of dating.

Step 2
Buy two identical handkerchiefs. Using one of them, wipe the head of a new cat in those places where the scent glands are located: chin, lips, ears and forehead. Use this handkerchief to wipe the furniture located on the old-timer's territory, and leave the shawl in a conspicuous place so that the cat can easily find it. With another handkerchief, carry out the same manipulations, only this time wipe the head of the older pet with it. Then throw a handkerchief to the newbie. Repeat this procedure until the animals begin to calmly react to the smells of the scarves.

Step 3
Transfer the old-timer to the new cat's room, and, on the contrary, place it on the territory of the older pet. Try to do this so that the animals cannot see each other. When both cats have calmed down, move on to the next phase of dating and try to introduce them to each other at a short distance.

Step 4
Open the door to the older cat's room slightly. So the animals will be able to communicate, but will not be able to start a fight. Keep two cats in contact every day for one hour. Then move on to the next stage of dating.

Step 5
Introduce cats directly. Let them see and sniff each other. Do not leave animals alone to prevent them from starting a fight. If animals begin to show aggression, contact should be stopped immediately. Sooner or later, the tension between pets will subside and they will peacefully coexist in your home.

Step 6
If the cats have not yet fully adapted to each other, and you need to leave them at home alone, lock the newcomer in a separate room. Otherwise, pets may start a fight during your absence.
Step 7
Always feed your cats in the same room. Moreover, each pet should have its own bowl. After eating, cats, as a rule, wash themselves, and the presence of a relative nearby can provoke mutual cleaning. If your pets lick each other's faces after eating, then they finally made friends.