Are There Ginger Cats?

Are There Ginger Cats?
Are There Ginger Cats?

Ginger cats and cats practically leave no one indifferent. These green-eyed beauties with pink noses are the more attractive the less often they are. Is it true that only a cat can have red hair and never a cat?

Are there ginger cats?
Are there ginger cats?

Perhaps the most popular pets are cats. At the same time, it has long been noticed that bright red purrs most often live in the houses of those people who differ from others in enviable optimism and love of life. Guests often come to such houses, because they have a particularly warm and friendly atmosphere.

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Are ginger cats found in nature?

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You can often hear the opinion that beautiful fiery red fur is found only in cats, and red cats are nothing more than a myth. This information is indeed based on some facts from felinology - the science that studies cats. The fact is that a special gene Orange is responsible for the red color of the coat, which, simply speaking, is located on the sex chromosome X. Thus, in most cases, in fact, it is cats that differ from their counterparts in red.

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But it would be wrong to think that there are no ginger cats. Of course, they exist, it's just that their number is much smaller in comparison with cats of this color.

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How do ginger cats and cats differ from others?

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First of all, there are no uniformly ginger cats and cats. The peculiarity of this color lies precisely in the presence of a spotted, striped or marble pattern on the coat. It can manifest itself more or less brightly, but in any case it exists.

Another distinctive feature of ginger cats is their extraordinary intelligence. Of course, each owner considers his pet to be extremely smart, but in the case of ginger cats and cats, this is justified.

Ginger animals are very popular, so breeding them is commercially viable. Moreover, it is generally accepted that keeping a cat or a cat with red hair in the house will certainly make its owners rich and successful people. It is not known if this is true, but in any case, these cats and cats are very playful, friendly and positive creatures.
