Attaching a dog is not an easy task. This is a large animal, and not everyone can afford to have one. But if it is necessary, then there are several possibilities to carry out what was conceived.

Step 1
Decide on the optimal age for the dog to perform. Many dog handlers advise giving puppies at the age of two to three months, when they are already vaccinated and taught to eat on their own. If the dog is already an adult, then the chances of finding its owner are extremely small.
Step 2
Your actions: Submitting an advertisement to the newspaper. The vast majority of people are looking for a dog through newspaper ads, as it is accessible and simple. The Internet. Also an effective tool. Thousands of people can read your ad here. Post it together with a photo on 5-10 thematic forums. Bird market. There is a target audience here who comes to buy some animal. The main thing is to remember that the more regularly you come here, the more chances you have. Ask your neighbors, friends and acquaintances if anyone needs a dog. It is possible that at the moment they need a pet. Place an advertisement in pet stores. There are now special message boards there.

Step 3
You can take your dog to a special kennel, where they will take care of it. However, there are small nuances: you can be charged money for this (and in some organizations, the amounts are astronomical). And it is not a fact that your pet will be satisfied with the service.