It's no secret that pets are regarded by their owners as full-fledged family members. But on vacation there is not always the opportunity to take such a family man. And the owners are faced with the task of where to attach the animal for the duration of the vacation. After all, it is very important that the "baby" does not get bored, and that he is treated with due care and attention.

It is very good if among your friends or relatives there are those who agree to sit with your pet. Be sure to tell the kind people about your pet's good and bad habits. Moreover, notice such details that you, over the years of communication with the animal, seem commonplace. For example, sleeping in bed, digging out a litter box, and lightly nibbling on your heels. What is familiar and natural in your narrow family circle can become an insoluble problem for people who are not ready for such behavior.

If you can't find any volunteer acquaintances to whom you can attach an animal for the duration of your vacation, try to find animal lovers who are ready to provide such services for a certain fee. Strangers will also agree to such conditions of overexposure. Moreover, there are a lot of offers on the Internet about looking after animals while the owners are on vacation.

Overexposure by a private person will cost you 250–300 rubles per day. Try to find out as much information as possible about the person offering the service. It can be found, for example, on the Internet. Visit the apartment in advance where you intend to attach your pet for the duration of your vacation. Feel if you like it, take a closer look at the surroundings, find out if other animals will live here at the same time as your pet. Do not be lazy and talk with people in the yard of this house, especially with dog lovers. You can also call your neighbors. Such actions will protect you and your pet from a bad attitude and further problems.

Today, in large cities of Russia there are specialized hotels for pets. Some are located within the city, some outside the city. Usually, they contain dogs, parrots, rabbits, and other pets. The conditions of detention are strictly regulated, such an institution must necessarily have a license to conduct activities, as well as competent specialists.

You can choose, at your discretion, where to attach the animal during the vacation: to a hotel in the city or outdoors. Some zoo hotels also offer additional services: massage, grooming, special weight loss classes, web monitoring of the pet from anywhere in the world. To define a pet in such a luxurious environment, it is necessary to get all the proper vaccinations, get examined by a veterinarian and insert a chip into the animal. Also, be sure to tell in detail about the animal's diet or bring your own food, it is also advisable to leave a bed and your favorite toys with it. The average cost of keeping a pet in a hotel is from 400 rubles (dog).