How To Convince To Buy A Dog

How To Convince To Buy A Dog
How To Convince To Buy A Dog

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Almost every child sooner or later faces a difficult task: how to convince them to buy a puppy. The same issue sometimes has to be resolved at an older age, persuading to have a pet for your spouse (or spouse). There are several basic arguments that can help you in your persuasion process.


Step 1

Take advantage of the surprise factor. This method is for those who are confident in their loved ones. Choose a pet and bring it home unexpectedly: there is a high probability that the loved ones who are confronted with the fact will not be able to resist the puppy's charms and will soon get used to the presence of another living creature in the house. This nearly win-win method has several significant drawbacks. So, not all people are tolerant and may just try to get rid of the puppy by attaching him to strangers or even returning him to the street (if you picked up a stray dog). It can also show disrespect to your family members, which can lead to unnecessary fights.

Step 2

Play on your sense of vanity. Pick a dog with a good pedigree, collect complete information about which exhibitions the puppy's parents took part in and what places they won at the same time, find out from the breeder all the information about the exterior qualities of the chosen puppy. Tell us about how wonderful it is to take your pets to the competition, what kind of acquaintances you will have with other people. Also mention the cash prizes. But do not forget that in this case it is necessary to choose a puppy who really has a chance to become a winner.

Step 3

Pay close attention to the guardian qualities of the dog. When choosing a German Shepherd puppy or other representative of service breeds, introduce members to all the virtues of such dogs. Remind them that they are highly intelligent and devoted to their family. If you have a small child in your family, pay attention to the famous nannies - bobtails or St. Bernards. Collie can charm lovers of active walks. Use your knowledge of the hobbies of a parent or loved one and find a puppy to match. But this method is dangerous in that the puppy recognizes as the owner not you, but another member of the family.

Step 4

Avoid scandals and tears. This will not work, but it will only make family members more opposed to purchasing a puppy. You put them in a situation of constant tension, the source of which for them will be the dog. If a puppy that has not yet appeared in the house has had such a negative impact on relationships in the house, then what can they begin to expect from him in the future?
